super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3731 The most terrifying thing is civil strife 3

"This feeling of being led by the nose... by the way... the Hong Kong incident, shouldn't it happen again?" Zhuo Yifan suddenly widened his eyes and said in surprise.

"What happened in Hong Kong? You mean, the other party deliberately sold you a loophole, and then reaped the benefits they need?" Leng Feng was also surprised when he heard the words, and asked with a frown.

"It's very likely to be like this. It's so similar, why didn't I think of it? I've been fooled once, and I'm going to come again! Blame me for being too careless this time!" Zhuo Yifan sighed helplessly.

"Then what should we do now? Stop following?" Leng Feng asked tentatively.

"I've followed them all, so there's no reason not to follow them. I want to see what kind of tricks they are trying to play! Could it be that there is a secret base of the Long family in the outskirts of the capital?" Zhuo Yifan He gritted his teeth and said.

"It's just the two of us, isn't it a little too hasty?" Leng Feng reminded, frowning.

Zhuo Yifan nodded, then took out his mobile phone and called Qingyan and Xie Dongting respectively.After receiving Zhuo Yifan's call, the two immediately rushed towards him without saying a word.

"In case the situation in Hong Kong is the same again, what are you going to do?" Leng Feng looked at Zhuo Yifan who was frowning and said nothing, and asked indifferently.

"Just in case? Not in case. This time, I won't let them take advantage of it!" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.But he didn't know the bottom line.If there is really an underground base similar to Hong Kong's Lantau Island, it would really be a headache!Moreover, it is impossible to estimate how much impact it will cause after the incident is revealed!

Leng Feng stopped talking, but concentrated on observing the situation on both sides of the road.At this time, Wu Tianhua's car had turned into a mountain path and was driving along a winding mountain road.

"This road is heading towards Mentougou. Why did you suddenly go west?" Leng Feng looked at the road ahead and frowned unconsciously.

"Maybe we're almost there, just follow up and have a look!" Zhuo Yifan said flatly.

Just ten kilometers ahead of this path, there is a factory building that has been abandoned for a long time.Wu Tianhua's Porsche stopped directly at the fork in the road outside the factory building.After getting out of the car, Wu Tianhua looked around and found that there was no one around, and it didn't look like someone was lying in ambush at all, so he couldn't help frowning.Looking at the road at that time again, Zhuo Yifan's BMW X6 in the distance followed unhurriedly.

There was a car following up in this barren area, Wu Tianhua couldn't help being suspicious.Although the distance is relatively far, he can't see it very clearly, but he also vaguely feels that the car seems to come for himself!No more hesitation at the moment, holding a password box in his hand, he walked quickly into the factory building.

Most of the factories are dilapidated.Only in the central area is a two-story workshop with a steel structure still intact.After observing for a while, Wu Tianhua walked towards the complete factory building based on his feeling.

There are many side roads all around.If the purpose is not clear, it is easy to get lost in it.Fortunately, after Wu Tianhua turned around, he found the entrance to the factory building.Immediately gathered his mind, and then slowly moved towards the gate.

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