super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3738 Sinister Heart 5

"Don't rush to move him for the time being, just leave these monsters behind! This is a big harvest!" Zhuo Yifan sneered disapprovingly.

Ten minutes later, Zhuo Yifan and the others walked out of the factory building unhurriedly.At this time, the factory building has long been surrounded by armed police officers and soldiers!

"Those monsters seem to be a little bit more powerful than those high-level genetic fighters I met before. They are rough and thick, and my hands are sore from beating!" Zhuo Yifan shook his sore arms, speechless Said.

"How did they create this monster? If they don't get rid of it sooner or later, it will become a serious problem. I don't know how many such things the Long family already has!" Xie Dongting said with a worried look on his face, frowning deeply.

"Their ability to resist true qi has also improved! It's even more difficult to deal with than before!" Qing Yan also said lightly at this time.

"With these more than 50 live specimens, I hope our technicians can find a way to overcome the opponent's technology!" Zhuo Yifan nodded helplessly.

"Zhuo... Mr. Zhuo..." At this moment, Wu Tianhua and Wu Jianhao also followed from behind.The former yelled, which made Zhuo Yifan and the others stop unconsciously.

"Is there anything else Mr. Wu can do?" Zhuo Yifan asked curiously.

"Today, thank you for saving the lives of our father and son. I was an asshole before, please forgive me, Mr. Zhuo!" Wu Tianhua said to Zhuo Yifan with a blushing old face.

"If I had known this before, why did I do it in the first place? Cooperating with people like Sun Zhen and the Long family is to seek skin from a tiger! In the end, you can only be unlucky! Look at how Long Xiangyun treated Sun Zhen, and think about you again." Learn from your own experience!" Zhuo Yifan said with a calm smile.

"I know! I will take my son, start a new life, and find a place where no one knows us to live the rest of my life. I won't go the same way again! When I was about to lose my son, I realized that no matter how much money is, it doesn't matter. Yes. The most important thing is the safety of my son! I will spend more time on him in the future, and find a way to let him get rid of his shortcomings!" Wu Tianhua nodded with a full face, and agreed.

"It's unrealistic to get rid of all the shortcomings. But you must know how to restrain yourself! As for finding a place to spend the rest of your life, you really don't plan to have your Dingyuan Group?" Zhuo Yifan asked with narrowed eyes.

"This... I have already made a decision to give you all those shares!" Wu Tianhua was silent for a moment, but still nodded firmly and said.

"No need. I don't want those shares, you can still continue to operate your Dingyuan Group!" Zhuo Yifan said with a wry smile.

"I still don't want it! After today's incident, I can see life through! This kind of intrigue is not suitable for me anymore. I'd better live with my son, and it's best to be safe and sound!" Wu Tianhua declined.

"This may not be a good thing for them!" Xie Dongting nodded at this time.

Hearing this, Zhuo Yifan nodded thoughtfully, and then continued: "Since you have already decided, then I will not force you. Your shares are temporarily stored in my name, and I will temporarily store them for you. Wait When you and your son need it someday, you can ask me to come back anytime!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuo. I think if Jianhao can really change and stop being as dandy as before, I will consider asking him to get these shares back. If he doesn't have the ability to do business, I would rather let him He lives an ordinary life as an ordinary person, with no worries about food and clothing! Too much money may not be a good thing for him!" Wu Tianhua nodded gratefully and said.

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