super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3775 Prepare to Breakthrough 1

"Really? I want to eat chicken legs, a lot of chicken legs!" Hearing this, Xiao Tiantian widened her eyes and clapped her hands excitedly.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but smile.

The angel would inevitably be disappointed, but when it was her turn, the little guy woke up.It seems that if you want to get help from the little guy, you have to wait for her to sleep next time!

"I'll take the little guy downstairs first!" Xia Yun picked up Tiantian, said something to Zhuo Yifan and the girls, then turned and walked out of Qingyan's room.

"Don't be disappointed, there is still a chance next time!" Zhuo Yifan looked at the disappointed angel and comforted him with a wry smile.

"But isn't it true that Britney's special ability has not yet been determined, and is it also helpful for early masters?" Angel said hesitantly.When you can see what you can't eat, you can imagine the loss in your heart.Her envy for Qing Yan and other women is also written on her face!

"After you enter the middle stage, you can definitely ask the little girl to help you. You won't suffer a loss! Don't worry!" Wisteria comforted with a light smile.

"Well! I'm fine. I just can't help you with the test!" Angel quickly adjusted his mentality, shaking his head and laughing.

"It's okay, we still have a chance! It's been delayed for more than four hours now! It's past nine o'clock, and the food is probably going to be cold! They are still waiting downstairs, let's hurry down!" Zhuo Yifan laughed He nodded, then looked at the world, and said to the four girls.

When Zhuo Yifan came downstairs with the four girls, all the girls were already sitting at the dining table!Regarding Xiao Tiantian's situation, Xia Yun explained it to them when she came down, and the girls felt relieved after listening to it.

Afterwards, the New Year's Eve dinner started late, but it was delayed for a few hours, but it didn't affect the mood of the girls in the slightest.This meal was very warm and lively.But when the meal was only halfway through, everyone discovered a dumbfounding thing.Our little sweetie has done something dumbfounding again!

It turns out that although the little guy is small and has a small mouth, he is not at all fuzzy than adults when he eats.Under the wind and clouds, most of the food on the table was packed into the stomach by the little guy alone.Everyone couldn't help wondering whether that little guy could bear such a big burden?

"Tiantian, I can't eat so much, my stomach will be ruined, stop now!" Yang Yanbing tried to stop Xiao Tiantian from continuing to overeat, but Xiao Tiantian kept yelling that she was hungry and refused to stop at all , which made the girls even more dumbfounded.

Looking at the little guy's belly, it turned out to be the same as before, without any change at all.Where did the things she ate go?

"Wait, let her eat!" Zhuo Yifan said suddenly, stopping Yang Yanbing and the girls who were trying to dissuade the little guy again.

"If you eat any more, there will definitely be problems. How much do you think she has eaten?" Yang Yanbing didn't think too much, only thinking about her daughter's health, and asked Zhuo Yifan angrily.

"She was good at eating before, but not as crazy as she is today. I think it has something to do with what happened upstairs! Maybe we use Xiao Tiantian's special ability to practice, so she can behave like this!" Qing Yan Showing a thoughtful expression, he opened his mouth to explain.

"That's right. I think so too. Maybe it's because our cultivation just now had a certain impact on her. She has to eat to replenish her missing energy!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

This explanation made all the girls dumbfounded and fell silent at the same time.

"Are you sure that using her ability to cultivate in this way will not do her any harm?" Yang Yanbing frowned and raised her worries.

The little guy's special ability naturally made all the girls, including Yang Yanbing, very happy.But if the little girl needs to pay a price in order to get everyone's fast cultivation, this makes her, a mother, unable to balance her heart.

Everyone frowned when they heard the words, and no one spoke for a long time.The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

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