super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3782 New Discovery 3

Early the next morning, Zhuo Yifan and the girls left the room one after another.After a night of tossing, Zhuo Yifan and the girls made progress naturally, and the girls who slept with Xiao Tiantian made rapid progress.Song Zixin and Xia Xiaoyu have already stabilized their initial stage and are ready to enter the middle stage!This made Zhuo Yifan very satisfied.

On the other hand, Zhou Jing was about to look a lot more tired.It was a torment for Young Master Zhuo to spend the whole night with the girls.I thought about letting go of my reserve and handing over my body to Zhuo Yifan.But in front of all the girls, she still couldn't muster up the courage.

When Zhuo Yifan saw the haggard Zhou Jing, his heart couldn't help but he guessed what the beauty was thinking immediately!He said in his heart that he must find a chance and eat this woman first!Only in this way can she truly integrate into this big family!

Wang Yan'er and Song Zixin prepared breakfast for everyone as usual.After washing up, Zhuo Yifan had breakfast with all the girls and the little guy who was about to be popular recently.But soon the girls discovered the problem.Wang Yan'er and Song Zixin seemed to have forgotten about the little guy's appetite.It wasn't until they stared dumbfounded at the little guy contracting all the breakfast by himself that they showed a resentful expression.

Zhuo Yifan looked at the girls and said dumbfoundedly: "I think we should prepare another breakfast. In the future, because of this big eater, it seems that we will increase our food expenses!"

"Cut, you can be a good boy if you get it cheap. Do you think Tiantian's special ability can be exchanged for what you have to eat?" Yang Yanbing rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction when she heard this.

Zhuo Yifan could only shake his head and smile wryly when he heard this.

At this moment, Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang suddenly.On New Year's Day, who would call him early in the morning?Originally, all the girls planned to have a collective holiday today, and took the little guy to the amusement park with Zhuo Yifan.As soon as Zhuo Yifan's cell phone rang, everyone's eyes naturally focused on him.

"I don't know who it is! I'll answer the phone first and see what's going on!" Zhuo Yifan blushed and explained in embarrassment before taking out his phone.

Seeing the caller ID, it was actually called by his brother-in-law Xie Dongting, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but feel moved, and immediately connected the call.

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly.

"Do you have time now? Hurry up to the factory building yesterday! I'll wait for you here!" Xie Dongting also said very directly.

"Have you discovered anything?" Zhuo Yifan raised his eyebrows.

"That's right. I found the place where those monsters used to hide and found something! Come and have a look!" Xie Dongting explained.

Zhuo Yifan heard the words, looked up at the girls, and then said to the phone: "Wait for me! I'll be right over."

"What's the matter?" Yang Yanbing frowned dissatisfied.Zhuo Yifan personally promised Tiantian that he would accompany her to the amusement park today!Are you going to break your promise again?

"Brother-in-law has something to discuss with me. It shouldn't be too long. I'll go back as soon as I go. You can wait for me to come back before going to the amusement park!" Zhuo Yifan explained with some embarrassment.

"It's New Year's Day, can't you just spend the day with us at ease?" Song Zixin also snorted with dissatisfaction.

"Father is going to stop talking again!" Tiantian stared at Zhuo Yifan even more, and said with contempt.

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