super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3826 Spirit Artifact 4

As soon as the words fell, a blue light flashed in front of the two of them.An old man with white beard and hair appeared in front of the two of them.

"Old Ancestor, you are really here!" Prince Long said with surprise.

"What I have said to you, I will naturally do what I say." The ancestor of the Long family looked at Prince Long calmly, without any emotion in his tone.

"Ancestor, this is the innate spiritual weapon that Long Er found. Please take a look!" Long Xiaolin hurriedly handed the small banner in his hand to the ancestor of the Long family respectfully.

The ancestor of the Long family narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly two dazzling rays of light shot out and hit the little streamer.There was a humming sound from the small streamer, and it immediately shot into the sky.After one turn, a flag more than three meters long was transformed again.

"This is the Dingling banner. I didn't expect it to be found by Long'er. It was lost in the last monk war, and it is only recorded in the classics of my Long Family's Huanyu Pavilion. Long'er was able to find this time. , it can be regarded as a chance!" The ancestor of the Long family looked at the flag and explained lightly.

"So it's called Dingling Banner. I don't know what is the purpose of this?" Prince Long nodded suddenly and asked.

"This time it is a middle-level spiritual weapon. Compared with the other four low-level spiritual weapons of our Long family, it is more than twice as powerful? The biggest use this time is not a violent blow, but an impact on spiritual power and mind." Control. What Xiaolin showed before was just his most basic means of attack. But he didn't discover the essence of his ability to fix people's spirits!" The patriarch of the Long family explained slowly.

"Fixing people's spirits? What does this mean?" Prince Long asked blankly.

"To put it simply, you can weaken the opponent's will within a certain range. If the opponent's mental power is far from yours, you can control it, just like a puppet!" The ancestor of the Long family explained lightly.

"This Dingling flag actually has such a use!" Prince Long's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"This Dingling Banner is a middle-level spiritual weapon. Longer, don't think about being able to control it for the time being. Unless you have already entered the middle-level of Transforming God! Before that, I will keep this Dingling Banner for you. You can wait for it in the future. After entering the intermediate level of Huashen, I will pass it on to you!" The ancestor of the Long family pointed at the Dingling banner from a distance, and saw that the banner shrunk to its original shape, and it disappeared into the body of the ancestor of the Long family in an instant , disappeared.

Seeing this, Long Tianzi and Long Xiaolin couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.However, the two did not speak much.It's not that I don't want to, but I dare not.

"Don't worry, I'm just taking care of this banner. When Long'er really grows up, he will naturally hand it over to him! You father and son, don't have any distracting thoughts! For this reason, reckless obsession will affect you two. A person's further cultivation level will leave a barrier of inner demons for future breakthroughs!" The ancestor of the Long family warned in a low voice.

"My child remembers the teachings of the ancestors, and dare not have any delusions!" Long Xiaolin and his son immediately nodded and bowed.

"Very good!" The patriarch of the Long family nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at Prince Long, and finally smiled and said, "Does Long Er want to leave this Kunlun Snow Region as soon as possible?"

"That's right, my child has long been looking forward to this day. When I made the appointment with my ancestor eight years ago, I knew that this day would come sooner or later!" Prince Long said excitedly.

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