super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3859 Intrigue 14

"Long Xiangtian came to the villa to look for me yesterday!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and then explained calmly.

Xie Dongting heard the words, frowned and asked: "He went looking for you? What does he mean? Could it be that he told you about Prince Long?"

"Congratulations, you got the answer right! It's a pity that I can't give you any prizes!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile: "That boy Long Xiangtian can't sit still. Prince Long has already threatened his current status in the Long family. You are here to cooperate with me!"

"Cooperation?" Xie Dongting narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

"That's right! It's cooperation! He wants me to help him get rid of Prince Long and guarantee his status in the Long family. He also promises that the Long family and the Zhuo family will live in peace in the future and will never commit any crime!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"Do you believe his nonsense?" Xie Dongting asked with a cold snort upon hearing the words.

"At least half believe it. It is absolutely true that he wanted me to kill Prince Long!" Zhuo Yifan said noncommittally.

"Then how did you reply to him?" Xie Dongting asked thoughtfully.

"I agreed to him temporarily, and he also agreed to provide me with some information first! Including some confidential information of the Long family!" Zhuo Yifan explained lightly.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Xie Dongting asked noncommittally.

"Let's cooperate with him first. He provided me with some information, which is still helpful to us!" Zhuo Yifan said in a deep voice.

"Aside from the matter of the Dragon Prince's arrival in the capital, what else did he say?" Xie Dongting asked curiously.

"There is another piece of news about the Duan family!" Zhuo Yifan immediately explained the relationship between Duan Jingxiu and Prince Long, and also said that he asked Liu Huaiyu to go to the southwest.

"I didn't expect the Long family to have such a marriage contract with the Duan family! This is really not good news for us!" Xie Dongting said with a frown.

"So your brother-in-law, I can only be a sinner!" Zhuo Yifan sighed helplessly.

Xie Dongting heard the words, nodded dumbfoundingly and said: "It's really embarrassing for you! It's better to keep this matter from them for the time being! Otherwise, you will suffer!"

"That's up to you to say?" Zhuo Yifan rolled his eyes angrily, and continued: "Don't wait until then! You have to explain it for me!"

"Me? I can't do it. I think you are the only one who can solve this problem! Use your personal charm!" Xie Dongting quickly evaded.

Zhuo Yifan gave a contemptuous look, then changed the subject and said, "I plan to go to the southwest after the next year. If I succeed in destroying the marriage between the Duan family and the Long family, I will do something to the Zhao family!"

"Huh? You want to touch the Zhao family?" Xie Dongting showed a surprised expression when he heard this.

"That's right! We can't fully believe what that kid Long Xiangtian said. We can't rely on him, we must take the initiative! Destroying the Zhao family will definitely hurt the Long family for a while! It will completely lose their political support! "Zhuo Yifan said with a cold snort.

"Your idea is correct, but what are the chances of success? The Zhao family is not so restless. After all, there is a Long family behind!" Xie Dongting asked, frowning.

"Then let Long Xiangtian show his sincerity. With his help, it's too easy to get hold of the Zhao family!" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"You are so naive! If Long Xiangtian knew that you were going to deal with the Zhao family, he would definitely not agree! Without the Zhao family, the Long family would lose support in the political circle. Long Xiangtian only wanted to get the Long family, so how could it be possible?" Accept this request?" Xie Dongting shook his head and smiled wryly.

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