super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3874 The reactions of all parties 1

This Zhuo Yifan had just returned to the villa with Qingyan, and Prince Long, who was far in the southwest, also learned the news of Qingyan's advanced transformation into a god from Qingnu.

"Is this information reliable? Are you sure it's the woman next to Zhuo Yifan?" Prince Long frowned and asked gloomyly.This was the worst news he had heard since he went down the mountain!

"That's right. When our people saw Zhuo Yifan going up the mountain and then going down the mountain, there was only that woman by her side." Qing Nu nodded and explained with certainty.

"I didn't expect that Zhuo Yifan would have a master of transformation so soon! This is really not good news for us!" Prince Long couldn't help snorting softly.

"What should we do now? Do you want to ask the Patriarch what he means?" Qing Nu asked tentatively.

"Father must have known the news, I guess he doesn't look too good-looking now!" Prince Long sighed and said helplessly.

And he was right.In fact, not only Long Xiaolin, but also the Long family, even the Duan family and Xia family have spread the news!Now everyone knows that Zhuo Yifan suddenly has a master in the transformation stage!Qingyan's advancement caused quite a stir within the four major families, because her promotion also caused subtle changes in the strength relationship between the Zhuo family and the other three families.

As soon as Prince Long finished speaking, the phone rang suddenly.Both the master and the servant were moved in their hearts, and they couldn't help but looked at each other.Prince Long took out his mobile phone and saw that it was indeed the call from his father Long Xiaolin.

"Father!" After connecting the phone, Prince Long tentatively asked, "Do you want to tell me about Qingyan's transformation into a god?"

"That's right! Zhuo Yifan has an extra master at the transformation stage, this matter must be taken seriously!" Long Xiaolin said bluntly.

"So what about a master in the transformation stage? If that woman is innately peak, it can still give me a headache for a while. But a master in the transformation stage is not a threat to me now!" Prince Long couldn't help being cold when he heard this. snort.Although I couldn't help feeling a little envious of Zhuo Yifan in my heart, I wouldn't admit it easily on the surface.

"Anyway, Zhuo's addition of a master at the transformation stage is a threat to us!" Seeing his son belittle his opponent, Long Xiaolin reminded with a sudden tone.

Prince Long said disapprovingly: "With the ancestors here, what about the masters of transformation?"

"Don't forget, the Zhuo family also has a master who has crossed the tribulation period! Your ancestor is not the only one!" Long Xiaolin reprimanded angrily.

Prince Long didn't think so, but he didn't dare to contradict him anymore, so he could only keep silent.

"Even your ancestors know about the news of that girl's transformation into a god! For this reason, many people in the Long family feel a sense of crisis! You should know the seriousness of this matter. With Zhuo Yifan's growth rate, soon after , the Zhuo family will once again be promoted to a master of transformation gods. What's more, there is a girl from the Xia family! Once Zhuo Yifan and that girl from the Xia family also advance to the transformation god, the Long family will be completely at a disadvantage!" Long Xiaolin explained helplessly.

When Prince Long heard this, he couldn't help frowning.He didn't understand why Zhuo Yifan did all the good things.Not to mention his own body of fire spirit, even his two women have bodies of ice.If these three people advance to God Transformation at the same time, they will indeed be a great enemy to me!And with their growth rate, it is not impossible to advance to the Tribulation Stage in the future!If that was the case, why should I fight them?

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