super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3885 The Grand Wedding 1

Since there is no hope for Long Xiangtian, whether the new Prince Long can be courted or not becomes the key to whether Zhao Zhengyang can feel proud.After receiving the news of Prince Long, he was ecstatic, as if he saw the moment when he stepped on Long Xiangtian and Zhuo Yifan.But so far he hasn't contacted this noble person, which makes him feel more anxious.

Zhuo Yifan and the others, who hadn't arrived at the scene, didn't know that the road was closed on East Chang'an Avenue directly opposite the Jingcheng Hotel!This surprised the citizens of Beijing who were not aware of the situation, and did not know what happened.It is not uncommon for Chang'an Avenue to be closed.But they are also security measures that will only be taken when there are major celebrations in the country or when major events occur.However, today's road closure seems a bit abrupt, and the official did not make any notification of the situation.

Many people have speculated whether there are terrorists on Chang'an Avenue preparing for a terrorist attack?

The spectators, including large and small newspapers and media reporters, have already built three floors inside and three floors outside the cordon of officers and soldiers. The purpose is to see why Chang'an Street is closed.

But what no one expected was that what they waited for was a wedding car decorated with joy.The long motorcade lined up almost from the east end of Chang'an Avenue to the west end.This scene was recorded by countless people with mobile phones and cameras.But people can't help but have doubts in their hearts.Who on earth got married to have such a great influence that the entire Chang'an Avenue was blocked for him?

But soon everyone saw another surprising scene.Those rare license plates that are not seen in ordinary times drove past them one after another.There are those from the Military Commission, those from Zhongnanhai, and those from various ministries and commissions. In short, the situation is as if a military parade is about to be held on the National Day, let alone how grand it is.

Good guy, this is the leader who has a grandson to marry, right?Is this movement too loud?

They guessed well.Whether it's Song Yingjie or Zhuo Yifan, or Song Zixin and Wei Yurou.The identities of each of these four are extraordinary.Such a huge scene is only for the big leaders who rushed to the scene because of their marriage.

Heading west and east, Zhuo Yifan and Song Yingjie's convoy approached slowly towards the central Jingcheng Hotel.At ten o'clock at noon, the team met at the entrance of the hotel. The two couples got out of the car under the eyes of countless people, and walked slowly into the Beijing Hotel.

And this scene was also recorded by countless people with video, and it became a topic of conversation for many people in the capital city after dinner.

And after today, these two couples will also become celebrities in the whole capital.This result was also something they had never thought of beforehand.

"What's the situation? Why are there so many people?" Song Yingjie looked at the long motorcade in front of the hotel and the crowds on both sides of the street, and asked in surprise.

"How do I know? But this scene is indeed a bit big, and I don't know what they think!" Zhuo Yifan was also speechless.

"Whatever, the marriage of the two of us can cause such a big impact, and this marriage is not in vain!" Song Yingjie twitched his dry lips, and then laughed loudly.

The second daughter was so nervous that she gave Song Yingjie a big roll of her eyes, and then she pulled the groom's officer and asked to go in quickly, so as not to stand outside and be seen as a monkey.

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