super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3902 Undercurrent Surge 5

"That's right. Only the Zhao family were able to learn about our new name and preemptively register this name before the official approval! Minister Yang knew about this matter and there was nothing he could do. After all, the other party had already obtained the legal right to use this name. We have no way to argue with them about ownership rights!" Li Lingyun explained helplessly.

"The Zhao family... It seems that this problem can only be dealt with by Xiaofan!" Li Zekai shook his head with some headaches.

Li Lingyun nodded and said, "If we want to deal with this matter, we won't be able to handle it for a while. Let's tell him after today. In addition, should we think about it and think of a name? Since they are playing tricks, we will also play tricks." Some tricks, let Minister Yang open a back door for us too!"

"Well... that's a good idea! But what name do you think of?" Ryan immediately nodded in agreement when he heard the words.But thinking of the name gave me a headache again.

"I don't think it's so troublesome. Just use Zhuo's surname as the name. It's called the Zhuo Group!" Li Zekai pondered for a while, and then suggested.

Ryan heard the words and couldn't help frowning: "Isn't this name too rustic?"

"I think it's a good name!" Li Lingyun raised a different opinion.

"I have no objection anyway. You can call it whatever you want, as long as the group can register quickly!" Doreen also nodded and said.

"Then let's do this. Zhuo's Group, it's cheaper for Xiaofan!" Ryan nodded thoughtfully.

"This group belongs to him, it's called the Zhuo Group, and there's nothing wrong with it!" Li Zekai chuckled disapprovingly.

"Since you have no objections, I will leave this matter to Lao Li!" Ryan nodded in agreement.

"No problem. I'll discuss it with Minister Yang right away, and try to get this name right away!" Li Lingyun said without hesitation.Song Yingjie is not here, and he is the only one who is most suitable to handle this matter.

"What if Zhuo's Group is also registered? After all, Xiaofan is not the only one with the surname Zhuo!" Doreen expressed her concern at this time.

"I haven't thought about it." Li Zekai blushed in embarrassment when he heard this.

"It's okay. I'll check it out. If there is such a name, just change it!" Li Lingyun frowned and said in a deep voice.

Li Zekai and others are struggling with the registration of the group.Zhao Zhengyang was in his villa at this time, holding the business registration documents he had just obtained, with a sneer on his face.

"Zhuo Yifan, I can't beat you openly, but a little trick secretly will give you a headache for a while. See what you can do to me!" Throwing the pile of documents into the trash can, Zhao Zhengyang said to himself proudly.And at this time, Zhao Zhengyang suddenly received a call.It's just that what he said on the phone didn't seem to be what he wanted to hear.As soon as he picked up the phone, his face darkened.

"Trash, you can't find anyone. I'll give you another three days, and if there is no news, you don't have to come back!" Zhao Zhengyang couldn't help but cursed into the microphone, and then smashed the receiver in his hand on the ground in a fit of anger. It hit the ground and was smashed to pieces.

The reason why he made so many small moves to deal with Zhuo Yifan was naturally to please that Prince Long.But he hasn't even seen a single figure until now, which makes him a little discouraged.Besides, Zhuo Yifan might get anxious and deal with him recklessly.If I can't contact Prince Long sooner, I'm afraid I will have a lot of troubles.But he didn't know that trouble was already on his body.And what this trouble brought him was a catastrophe.

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