super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3918 Changes in the Southwest 2

"Long Xiangtian reminded you? What's going on?" Shen Jiayi asked with a hint of surprise when she heard the words.After all, the only people Zhuo Yifan and Long Xiangtian knew about the private cooperation were the two elders and Xie Dongting.Hearing what Zhuo Yifan said, everyone naturally showed great curiosity.

"Oh... don't worry about that. The point is that I should have taken precautions against this matter long ago!" Zhuo Yifan knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, so he changed the subject and said haha.

"You mean, you knew that what happened today would happen?" When everyone heard the words, they showed even more suspicious expressions.Li Zekai was the first to ask.

"That's right. The problems encountered by Ryan and Doreen's family are not accidental. It should be the Long family behind the scenes. This time, 130 and eight scientific researchers disappeared inexplicably, and it is likely that the Long family sent people to do it!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a gloomy expression.

It turned out that for the three key projects of the Ministry of Commerce, the Rothschild family and the Morgan family used their personal relationships to mobilize a group of more than 100 scientific research teams and prepare to go to China.But what I didn't expect was that three days before departure, quite a few of these people disappeared!Zhuo Yifan finally knew what Long Xiangtian meant when he said that day that Long Xiaolin had already set his sights on the Rothschild and Morgan families.It's not a frontal conflict, but a lateral one, disintegrating the cooperation between him and these two families, and making their plans come to naught!

Today's Zhuo Group is in need of a large number of technical talents. The disappearance of these scientific researchers has made everyone feel a sense of crisis.Although it hasn't had a positive negative impact on the group, it won't take long for the problem to become apparent.In the event of a mistake in the technical link, the loss of the group cannot be estimated, and even the reputation will be questioned, and even those projects that have worked so hard to get from the Ministry of Commerce will be terminated by the country immediately.

This is the result that Zhuo Yifan and others absolutely do not want to see.But the matter has already happened, and it is not as simple as talking about it if you want to solve it.

"People from the Long family?" Ryan couldn't help but narrow his eyes when he heard this.As one of the heirs of the Rothschild family, it is needless to say how annoyed he was by the Long family secretly.

"Then what should we do now? Should we tell the family about the situation and ask them to send someone to investigate!" Doreen also asked worriedly.

"If it is true as Xiaofan said, then the situation will definitely not be simple. It is estimated that there may be a traitor in the family. After all, how did the information of the more than 100 people leak out, and none of them are missing. I wouldn't believe it if there was no ghost!" Ryan frowned and analyzed solemnly.

"Is there a ghost in the family?" Doreen couldn't help being surprised when she heard this.

"This is normal. With such a huge foundation and family system like the Rothschild and Morgan families, it is inevitable that some characters will turn their elbows. It's not that they betrayed your family, or they may have different opinions. The cooperation of the Long family will make the family more developed!" Zhuo Yifan added with a sneer.

"If this is true, I'm afraid I have to go back in person! I would like to see who dares to speak against me and my grandfather!" Ryan snorted coldly when he heard the words, and gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Are you going back?" Zhuo Yifan immediately raised his eyebrows.

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