super unscrupulous student

Chapter 3949 The dilemma of the Duan family 5

"The strength of the Long family is not something we can compete with. You must not underestimate it. Remember my father's warning. When you have to, ask Zhuo Yifan for help. I believe he will not stand idly by. At least with the strength of the Zhuo family, you can protect yourself." You are considerate!" Duan Ziming reminded.

"I understand, don't worry, I know what to do!" Duan Jingxiu nodded and said confidently.

"That's good. It's getting late, so you should go to bed early. Your mother is still waiting for me at home. It's late, she should be in a hurry!" Duan Ziming nodded with a smile.

"En! Be careful on the road, go back quickly, don't keep mom waiting!" Duan Jingxiu nodded.

At this time, Xie Dongting had already driven Zhuo Yifan back to the hotel.After the two entered the room, they washed up first, and then sat down on their respective beds.

"Tonight, I can only pass the time by practicing again!" Zhuo Yifan sat cross-legged on the bed and said with a wry smile.

When Xie Dongting heard this, he snorted contemptuously: "There are no concubines like you here. Do you feel unaccustomed to being alone?"

Zhuo Yifan blushed, and quickly changed the subject and said, "This Prince Long brought a lot of people to the southwest! When I went to his villa just now, there were many innate masters around!"

"Don't tell me I haven't remembered yet! I remember someone took pictures of us!" Xie Dongting said with a frown.

"Well, I noticed it too! But it's a little strange. Why did Prince Long insist that we broke into his villa after their people found us entering from the outside? Didn't they receive the news?" Zhuo Yifan immediately felt Something was wrong, and he frowned and raised his doubts.

"When you say that, I also feel a little strange. The people around Prince Long must know us. Isn't this photoshoot superfluous?" Xie Dongting also noticed the clue, and frowned with some doubts.A person who wants to deal with you, the men around him, can they not know what you look like?If that's the case, then there's no need for these people, Prince Long, to be with you, it's useless at all!

"These people don't know us, so they will take pictures of us and take them back for confirmation. If it's not from Prince Long, then the only innate masters who can appear in Yunhai Villa and take pictures of us are probably from the Duan family!" Zhuo Yifan frowned, and immediately guessed the other party's identity.

"Hmm... It's very likely that they are members of the Duan family. Prince Long just arrived at Yunhai Villa, but Duan Jingxiu is not! There must be eyeliners of the Duan family everywhere!" Xie Dongting nodded with certainty when he heard the words. .

"So, the members of the Duan family also know that I have gone to the southwest. Moreover, they went to find Prince Long in person!" Zhuo Yifan immediately thought of something.

"That woman Duan Jingxiu might already know about it!" Xie Dongting said suddenly.

Zhuo Yifan immediately showed a slight smile, and said lightly: "So, it's not whether we want to find her now! It's that she is considering whether to see us!"

"Huh? How do you say that?" Xie Dongting asked in surprise.

"The Duan family knows or doesn't know that I'm coming to Southwest. These are two completely different concepts. If they don't know that I'm here, then if they want to see Duan Jingxiu, maybe we have to go there in person. But from another perspective, Duan Jingxiu's The fact that a woman dares to come to ask her future fiancé Xingshi in person to question her crimes shows that she can't bear it anymore. And she obviously has nothing to do with Prince Long. She wants to solve this matter and knows I'm here. Do you think she won't want to come to me? ?” Zhuo Yifan explained confidently.

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