super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4145 Five brothers? 5

"Uncle Liu, isn't this family in the capital your property? My sister's dowry should also be prepared by my father. How could it not be your turn?" Xia Qing asked suspiciously.This is also a question in Zhuo Yifan's mind.

"This family in the capital was originally the property of the Xia family. It's not my Liu!" Liu Haoran explained with a smile.

"Oh? So this family in the capital belongs to our Xia family?" After hearing this, Xia Qing suddenly realized.

But this result surprised Zhuo Yifan.If the people in the capital really belonged to the Xia family, then wouldn't the relationship between Liu Haoran and Xia Jinyang be that of subordinates?

"Boss Liu, I'm still a little strange. Are you also from the Xia family?" Zhuo Yifan asked with some doubts.

"Me?" Liu Haoran suddenly chuckled, and then put on a show and said, "In fact, there is still some relationship between me and Mr. Zhuo. From the perspective of the teacher, you should call me senior brother!"

"Senior brother?" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback, and then blurted out: "You mean, you are also the master's apprentice?"

"That's right! I am the fifth apprentice of Master! You are the eighth! According to the ranking, you should call me Fifth Senior Brother. And this family in the capital was founded by your master back then! You should now Understand, why I said, everyone in this capital city must obey your orders, right?" Liu Haoran nodded with a smile.

"Are you really my fifth senior brother?" Zhuo Yifan couldn't digest the explosive news.But after thinking about it, I didn't ask the master if he had other senior brothers. Judging from the age of the master and the Xia family's family, it would not be uncommon for the master to have seven apprentices!

"That's right! When the master was young, he had three apprentices. When Xia Jinyang was born, he became the fourth! I joined the master when Xia Jinyang was ten years old. I was only 12 years old at the time. !Although I am two years older than him, I want to call him Fourth Senior Brother!" Liu Haoran continued to explain: "After the master accepted two more apprentices, the oldest of our seven senior brothers is almost middle-aged Your senior brother and the second senior brother are no longer in this world because of some things. The third senior brother is now the head of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Xia family. You already know the identity of the fourth senior brother. And I, as the fifth disciple of the master, became You are the steward of the people in the capital. Your other two senior brothers have become the right-hand men of the fourth senior brother. You will see these senior brothers in the future! After that, the master announced that he would give up his position as the head of the family, handed over the family to the fourth senior brother, and then left During this period, the master only accepted you as an apprentice, so you are naturally my eighth junior!"

"It turned out to be the fifth senior brother! I really haven't heard the master talk about your senior brothers. There was something abrupt just now, please don't be offended by the fifth senior brother!" Zhuo Yifan believed Liu Haoran's words, and hurriedly explained embarrassingly .He doesn't doubt that Liu Haoran will lie to him, because he only needs to ask his master about this matter, and he will know everything about it.Liu Haoran didn't dare to impersonate at all, and there was no need for it!

"Mr. Zhuo, you are being polite. The title Fifth Senior Brother should be avoided. You can call me whatever you want, you can also call me Brother Liu, but please don't call me Fifth Senior Brother!" Liu Haoran said helplessly.

"Why is that?" Zhuo Yifan frowned when he heard this.

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