super unscrupulous student

4160 - Ryan's Call 4

"It's still the same on my side. I just came back from the southwest. I'll have to ask Jiayi about the current situation of the group. You don't have to worry about things here, and pay attention to your own safety in Sicily. Brother, I have nothing else to do. As long as you can come back safely!" Zhuo Yifan reminded in a deep voice.

Ryan heard this and couldn't help but took a deep breath.Zhuo Yifan's words made him feel warm.

"Understood, brother, I will definitely go back alive! You are waiting for me in Huaxia!" Ryan agreed, and then the two ended the call.

Putting away the phone, Zhuo Yifan frowned.Ryan's call made him somewhat uneasy.If the boss of the mafia is really courageous enough to dare to lay hands on the patriarch of the Rothschild family, then things will be really big.Once there is a problem in Europe, Ryan will definitely be involved.The layout on your own side will also be affected immediately.The cooperation between the Rothschild family and himself will also come to an end.And although Doreen didn't reply to his message, he could also imagine that the internal situation of the Morgan consortium was the same as that of the Rothschild family, not much better.If the problem could be solved easily, Doreen would have called herself to announce the good news!

After standing outside the villa and meditating for a long time, Zhuo Yifan turned around and returned to the villa.But at this time, all the girls were sitting in the living room one by one, not intending to leave, obviously waiting for Zhuo Yifan to come back.

Zhuo Yifan was a little helpless, it seemed that these women had no intention of letting him go.

"Jiayi, Ryan told me just now that something happened in Europe, and the Rothschild family encountered a little trouble. He asked me to ask you, what is the current situation of the group?" When the woman spoke, she asked Shen Jiayi directly.

"Lian is in trouble?" Shen Jiayi frowned in surprise when she heard this.

"That's right. Tell me about the situation of the group first!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"The group has nothing to do at the moment. The Chinese New Year is coming in a few days. We are preparing for the project during this period. Funds and materials are being prepared. If the project is to be officially launched, it will take at least one or two months. During this period of time, we must solve all these troubles, otherwise it will affect the normal progress of our group's first batch of projects. If there is any negative news, it will be very bad for us!" Shen Jiayi frowned, Shen Sheng said.

"Did Doreen call you back about her situation?" Zhuo Yifan continued to ask.

"Well, she called me yesterday and said that her mother is trying to find a way to help us find some available technical talents from other channels. In addition, Song Yingjie and Li Lingyun also took advantage of their relationship and are preparing to recruit Reserving talents. But the effect will not be seen in the short term. Therefore, the gap between technical personnel and middle management is still the biggest problem we face!" Shen Jiayi nodded and explained.

"It seems that I can only hope that the problem with Ryan and Doreen can be resolved quickly. Now I don't have time to go abroad, and I can't help them. It's really worrying!" Zhuo Yifan said helplessly, frowning.

Seeing them chatting about serious matters, the girls also lost interest in continuing to interrogate Zhuo Yifan.Trouble comes and goes, but they can tell the difference.Except for Shen Jiayi who stayed in the living room, the other girls all went upstairs one after another and returned to their rooms.

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