super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4194 Zhao Kaiwei 1

"We are in a stalemate with them, but they obviously won't give up easily and are trying to take the two of them away forcibly! Once there is a conflict, the consequences will be serious. And they have the support of the Military Commission!" Hei Xiong reminded helplessly.

"What's the military commission like? We still have No. [-] to back us up. Isn't No. [-] the chairman of the Military Commission?" Zhuo Yifan laughed and scolded disapprovingly.

"..." Black Bear was speechless again.This Zhuo Yifan is really stupid and doesn't understand?Did he really think that No. [-] could cover the sky in the Military Commission?Even if he is No. [-], there are still places where he can't do what he wants!No matter how high the official is, he can't be outraged by the public, can he?In ancient times, even the emperor pushed the ministers into a hurry, and they still wanted to rebel!

"It's not clear to you. If you really want to keep them, you'd better come here in person. We can delay, but it's just delaying time! If the other party can't take it down for a while, they will definitely think of a way. I'm just your soldier , don't treat me as omnipotent!" Hei Xiong said dumbfoundedly.

"You don't need to say, I'm coming too. Are you in the city bureau or the detention center?" Zhuo Yifan agreed.

"We are in the city detention center. If it was in the city bureau, your wife who is the captain can help us. But this is a detention center. When these early warnings met the people from the ninth department, they almost peed their pants in fear. They wanted to kneel down and shout Their grandpa!" Black Bear said angrily.

"I'll come over right away. Remember, no matter what means the other party uses, you must keep it for me. I'll deal with it when I come!" Zhuo Yifan reminded.

"Don't worry!" Hei Xiong hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Zhuo Yifan didn't delay for a moment. After leaving the group, he drove directly towards the city detention center.However, the journey was relatively long, and it took him half an hour to arrive at the gate of the detention center.

The car was immediately stopped by the armed police at the gate of the detention center.But the two armed policemen obviously saw all kinds of passes on Zhuo Yifan's car, and their faces were quite surprised.Especially Xishan's pass and the Zhongnanhai special pass given to him by No. [-] last time, those are not things that ordinary people can have!

"Sir, what can I do for you?" One of the armed policemen came to Zhuo Yifan's car and asked politely.

Zhuo Yifan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he took out his ID and handed it to the armed policeman.

The armed policeman took the certificate suspiciously, opened it and glanced at it, his eyes widened immediately, and he stood there for two seconds before reacting.Immediately afterwards, he straightened his body, gave Zhuo Yifan a military salute respectfully, and then immediately handed back his ID and said, "Hello, Chief. You can go in!"

After finishing speaking, the armed policeman hurriedly motioned his comrades to let Zhuo Yifan go.

Seeing this, another armed policeman didn't understand Zhuo Yifan's identity, so he opened the telescopic retractable door at the gate without any hesitation, and put Zhuo Yifan's car inside.

"Hey, who is this?" Seeing Zhuo Yifan's car drive away, another armed policeman rushed to his comrade and asked curiously.

"Another senior military official. A lieutenant colonel came here just now. Guess what rank this young man is?" the armed policeman who had seen Zhuo Yifan's ID asked mysteriously.

"How would I know? Could it be another lieutenant colonel? Could it be a colonel? He looks like he's only in his early twenties?" The armed policeman frowned in surprise and guessed.

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