super unscrupulous student

Chapter 430 Liu Meng is Coming 1

Zhuo Yifan nodded and said, "For the time being, transfer about 20 people from Hedong. Don't you still have a few people here? In addition to the original intelligence organization here, Youzhou already has a lot of people! If you still need people , let’s decide according to the situation!”

Leng Feng nodded when he heard the words, but didn't say anything more.

"Trouble you for running over so late at night, disturbing your rest! Remember to find someone to keep an eye on the movement of the Shui family and the Murong family! Don't relax at the Ouyang family. Lesson! There is nothing else, you go back and rest first!" Zhuo Yifan said apologetically.

Leng Feng curled his lips in disdain and said: "You are the future head, so if I say a word, I will come here obediently? Why should I say these polite words? I can't get used to it! I'll go first! There's nothing wrong, just don't disturb my sleep next time !"

After Leng Feng finished speaking, he jumped up and disappeared from the rooftop!Looking at the dark night, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile, then continued to look at the night in a daze.Tonight, he guessed that he couldn't sleep because of nothing else, just because Shui Yunyao is now in the hands of Murong's family.Where is Zhuo Yifan in the mood to sleep?At least I'm not in the mood tonight.

When Zhuo Yifan opened his eyes again, the sky was already bright!Seeing himself lying on the sofa on the third floor with a blanket covering his body, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart.Zhuo Yifan remembered that he felt a little tired last night, so he went back indoors and sat on the sofa.I don't know when I fell asleep!The blanket on his body looked like the one in Wang Yan'er's room, and Zhuo Yifan knew that this girl must have covered him up when he saw him sleeping on the sofa!

"Are you awake?" Wang Yan'er asked when she appeared behind Zhuo Yifan at some point.

Zhuo Yifan turned around in surprise, saw Wang Yan'er was sweeping the ground on the third floor with a broom, and couldn't help but smile.

"En! Thank you, Yan'er!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said softly.

Wang Yan'er put down the broom in her hand, came to sit down beside Zhuo Yifan, and said angrily, "Thank you for what I did? You should cherish your own body! Why did you sleep on the sofa last night? Why didn't you go back to your room?" Sleep? What if I catch a cold?"

Listening to Wang Yan'er's words of reproach, Zhuo Yifan felt extremely warm in his heart.Stretching out his arms, he hugged Wang Yan'er's delicate body into his arms, stroked Wang Yan'er's pretty face with his cheeks and said, "I won't do it next time! I was just thinking about something last night, but I fell asleep here unexpectedly! You are worried!"

Wang Yan'er blushed at Zhuo Yifan's intimate behavior, she couldn't help but rolled her eyes angrily and said, "I'm not worried! You stay up so late, what are you thinking about? Could it be someone else? Is it a girl?"

Wang Yan'er was right in one sentence, but it made Zhuo Yifan feel embarrassed.Of course, with a natural look on his face, he smiled and said: "Of course not, am I planning to start my own company? I was a little excited last night, and I thought about what I should do all night, so I am here Asleep!"

Wang Yan'er was taken aback when she heard this.Start a business?She really hadn't heard Zhuo Yifan say anything about it.I don't know how Zhuo Yifan came up with this idea suddenly!

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