super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4352 Invitation 4

What a goblin!Zhuo Yifan shook his head with a wry smile, then collected himself and turned his head to look into the box.Although he didn't open the door, Zhuo Yifan could feel that there was only one person in the box at this moment, but it was definitely not Joyoung.Because he didn't notice the aura of a peak master at all, and the person inside was only a mid-term master.

Of course, it was very easy for Zhuo Yifan to find someone, especially within such a large area of ​​the clubhouse.After a little sensing, he found the aura of a peak expert near the box.

Maybe go to the bathroom?With that in mind, Zhuo Yifan didn't open the door, but stood at the door and lit a cigarette, and smoked leisurely.

"Xiaofan? Why are you standing at the door?" Not long after, Zhuo Zhuo arrived at the door of the box.Seeing Zhuo Yifan who was standing at the door swallowing clouds and fog, he asked with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Isn't it waiting for you? The third brother inside is right? I'm afraid he doesn't know me, so I have to wait for you to come in before I go in! It's not good for people to say that I'm pretending to be his cousin!" Zhuo Yifan said Explained in a half-joking tone.

Zhuo Zhuo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then laughed loudly: "Xiao Fan, you are wrong to say that. Zhuo Yun is my brother and your brother. How could he misunderstand you? Hearing that you have arrived in Xijing, he immediately You want me to ask you out to meet your cousin who hasn't seen you in 20 years!"

"Really?" Zhuo Yifan chuckled noncommittally.

"Come on, come in with me!" Zhuozhuo pushed open the door and entered the box first.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yifan followed Excellence into the box.

"Brother Yue, this must be our cousin Zhuo Yifan, right?" Zhuo Yun saw Zhuo Yifan push the door open, and then saw Zhuo Yifan following in, so he couldn't help asking.

"That's right. Let me introduce to you, Zhuo Yifan, a brother who has drifted abroad for 20 years and just returned to Zhuo's family recently!" Zhuo Zhuo introduced with a smile and nodded.

"Xiaofan, I'm Zhuo Yun. Welcome home!" Zhuo Yun extended his right hand to Zhuo Yifan politely and said enthusiastically.

Zhuo Yifan raised his eyebrows, stretched out his hand to shake Zhuo Yun's, and quickly let go: "I heard that cousin Zhuo Zhuo said that the third brother wants to see me. The younger brother is here, so I didn't keep you waiting?"

"No, no, I haven't waited for a while!" Zhuo Yun waved his hand disapprovingly and said.

"Sit down and talk if you have anything to say!" Zhuo Zhuo sat down on the sofa first, then called Zhuo Yifan and Zhuo Yun to sit down as well.

Only then did Zhuo Yun turn off the sound system that was still playing music, and with a smile he took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, handed it to Zhuo Yifan directly and said, "One?"

"Just finished smoking, thank you!" Zhuo Yifan shook his head and refused.

"Smoking all day long, I'm almost turning into a smoker. You've made a mess of smoke in the box!" Zhuoyo scolded dissatisfiedly, frowning.

"Then don't smoke!" Zhuo Yun smiled awkwardly, and then stuffed the cigarette back in his hand.

"Is this Xiaofan's first visit to Xijing?" Zhuo Yun asked again with a smile.

"That's right. I'm not very familiar with this city!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile.

"That can't be done! Xijing is the birthplace of our Zhuo family. Our ancestors came from here. After all, Xijing is our home. You need to get acquainted with this place!" Zhuo Yun said, He began to teach in a serious manner, which really meant being an older brother teaching a younger brother.

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