super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4373 Tracking 2

"You said that you have encountered something similar to a wild beast. You can't handle that thing?" Zhuo Zhuo asked again with obvious doubts in his tone.

"That's right. Do you suspect that I will lie to you?" Zhuo Yun asked angrily.Excellence's words made him feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't mean that. I just think that this incident is too unimaginable! Logically speaking, although the mountain road you took him is desolate, we have only walked it twice, so there shouldn't be any problems. What's more I didn't find any other beasts! Where did that thing come from?" Zhuoyue softened his tone and asked while explaining.

"I didn't take him that way!" Zhuo Yun was silent for a moment, and then said slowly.

"What? You didn't take him to the No. 55 forest?" Zhuo Zhuo couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.

"No. I think that although the area of ​​No. 55 mountain forest is relatively large and it is difficult for ordinary people to get out, it can receive satellite signals. In case Zhuo Yifan has a satellite phone on him, it is not impossible to contact someone outside to rescue him. It's possible. So I took him on a road where even the satellite phone couldn't get through!" Zhuo Yun explained with some embarrassment.

"Don't tell me you took him to Longshiling?" Zhuoyue's heart moved, and his voice suddenly increased a little, which seemed a little harsh.

"That's right. I thought there shouldn't be any problems there. I didn't expect to meet that kind of thing!" Zhuo Yun admitted with some difficulty.

"You're just messing around! There's something evil about that place, why did you take him there? If something goes wrong, who's to blame?" Zhuo Zhuo immediately flew into a rage when he heard that.

"Aren't I afraid that the original plan was not thorough enough?" Zhuo Yun explained aggrievedly.

"You killed me this time. If Zhuo Yifan told the old man about it and said that you took him there, not only will you be unlucky, but you may even find me!" Zhuo Zhuo bit Grinding his teeth, he said angrily.

"Then... what should I do then? The plan to deal with Zhuo Yifan was proposed by you. Why is it all my responsibility now?" Zhuo Yun was dumbfounded immediately, and asked angrily.

"I didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to be a master! I really misjudged him. Could it be that he is also a peak master? If you follow the original plan, it's no big deal even if Zhuo Yifan is a master. The big deal is ours." If the plan fails, he won't do anything to us! But if you take him to that kind of place, if he adds embellishments, we will all be finished!" Zhuoyo reprimanded angrily.

"It's all like this now, what's the use of talking about it? I'll explain it to Zhuo Yifan after a while, and hope he can make this matter smaller!" Zhuo Yun also lost his temper at this time.The excellent evasion and blame made him feel unkind when he met others.

"I'm sorry, my tone is a bit harsh. I'm just worried about you! Think about it, what should you do if Zhuo Yifan is not so easy to talk about?" Zhuoyo worked hard to restrain the anger in his heart, and finally eased his tone , said kindly to Zhuo Yun.

"I don't know. Now I can only take one step at a time!" Zhuo Yun explained helplessly.

"Then are you going to wait for him there?" Zhuoyou asked hesitantly.

"What else? Do I still dare to leave now? Even if I leave, Zhuo Yifan wants to go back, but it's just a little more troublesome. When he finds me, I will be fine?" Zhuo Yun asked a little depressed .

"You said that he came back to Longshiling just to find out what that monster is? Do you think Zhuo Yifan can handle that monster?" Zhuoyue suddenly asked with a twitch in his heart.

"It's hard to say. When the monster was chasing me just now, I was about to throw Zhuo Yifan off. Later, Zhuo Yifan caught up and scared the monster back. Otherwise, I would be useless now if I didn't die! That monster should be afraid of him!" Zhuo Yun explained hesitantly.

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