super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4377 Mysterious Cave 1

Gathering his mind, Zhuo Yifan continued to jump towards the next big tree next to it.Traces of blood were also found on the trunk.

"With so much blood, that monster must have been seriously injured! Such a powerful thing, what could hurt it? Are there other monsters similar to it around here?" Zhuo Yifan After chasing out a few trees, I suddenly felt a little more worried and uneasy.If it was just the monster just now, he asked himself that even if he encountered it, whether he could deal with it or not, if he wanted to leave, it would not be able to keep him!But if there are other monsters here, then there is a lot to say.After all, I don't know what their strength is.As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four hands!Wouldn't it be wronged if my little life was confessed here?

"Do you want to go back like this?" Zhuo Yifan smiled wryly and shook his head.It doesn't seem to be his character to retreat despite difficulties.Even if I go back now, there will be a knot in my heart.If you don't figure things out, you may leave yourself with a knot in your mind.Even if it is a disadvantage to one's own advancement path.Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan settled down, and his eyes became extraordinarily firm.He must figure out what that monster is!

At this moment, he no longer hesitated in his heart, and continued to search for the big tree in front of him.

But soon, Zhuo Yifan became depressed.Because on the big tree he jumped to in the end, there was no trace that the monster had arrived.Not reconciled, he also searched on the other two, but also found nothing.Why did the trace suddenly break when it reached here?Did it go down?

Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan jumped to the ground again.Also, no trace of the monster was found around.What's going on here?

Zhuo Yifan, who was moved in his heart, immediately turned around and went back under the big tree where he found the monster's lair, and jumped up again.Everything above is as usual, and it doesn't look like the monster has come back.He tried to jump over to the big tree on the other side, but found that the tree also had traces of the same blood.

Zhuo Yifan was confused now.Could it be that the monster still set himself up in a ecstasy array, intentionally disturbing his sight?With that in mind, he went to the last big tree that was close to the one where the lair was located to check.Sure enough, here, he also found traces of that blood.There are such traces on the three big trees?It seems that the spiritual intelligence of that animal is really not ordinary!They all know how to use this method of disturbing the audiovisual to delay their own search progress!

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to let other people know that they were tricked by a beast?Thinking of this, Zhuo Yifan was angry and funny, and at the same time became more curious.What the hell is such a smart monster?

While thinking about it, Zhuo Yifan searched for a certain distance along the other two big trees.Similarly, many traces left by that monster were found.This further confirmed Zhuo Yifan's previous judgment.That guy is really smart, definitely not an ordinary beast!

"You actually put yourself in a ecstasy array! I really underestimated you!" Standing on the lair, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but sneered, and then his face darkened instantly: "Because I won't be able to find you then?"

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