super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4385 Spirit beast? 5

"So that's the case. Since this is your master's cave, why did you choose to make your lair so far away instead of living here?" Zhuo Yifan asked curiously.

"Because I want to hide here. As I said just now, the reason why this place is called Longshiling is because the Dragon Blood Beast and the Roaring Lion live here. Their caves are not too far away from my lair outside. It looks like a hundred miles. We have often fought over the years, and injuries are inevitable. In the beginning, the three of us didn't deal with anyone, so we fought on our own. No matter who we met, we would fight. But who would have thought that they would now Join forces! This time the damage I received was even more serious than any other time before! If it wasn’t for this, maybe I would have killed you long ago! And this is my master’s cave, which the Dragon Blood Beast has always coveted place. If it finds this place, it will definitely destroy it. Then everything about my master will be wiped out! Before no one inherits everything about my master, I can’t let anyone get close to this place!” Huo Qi slowly explained slowly.

"You mean, there are two divine beasts with similar strength as you who want to find this place. That's why you chose to build another lair twenty miles away from here, and keep this place intact?" Zhuo Yifan nodded thoughtfully and said.

"That's right! The former owner of the Dragon Blood Beast fought with my master for hundreds of years without a win or loss. In the end, they both died in a battle 300 years ago. And my struggle with the Dragon Blood Beast is still in the air. It's going on endlessly. He wants to avenge his master, destroy my master's cave and everything, and I'm also looking for his master, the cave where he lived!" Huo Qi nodded and explained.

"You said you were looking for someone to inherit everything from your master? Did you find it?" Zhuo Yifan nodded suddenly, and then asked suspiciously.

"I have this idea, but so far I haven't found a person who is qualified to inherit my master's relics! This is not something I can do! If you want to inherit everything from my master, you must get my master's consent. You also tried to push the stone door in front of you before, but you didn’t push it open. Whoever can push that stone door can get everything my master has. If you want to be that person, it depends on whether you have this It's up to you!" Huo Qi said with a sneer.

"So that's the case. No wonder I couldn't push that stone door no matter how hard I pushed it before. Is there something strange about that stone door, and does it need some specific conditions to open it?" Zhuo Yifan asked with some doubts.

"Of course. First of all, you must reach the stage of becoming a god. With your current strength, it is impossible to open that stone gate. In addition, you must cooperate with me!" Huo Qi explained very proudly.

"Spirit transformation stage?" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a wry smile when he heard the words, and then asked curiously: "I still need your cooperation? Then what you said before was not nonsense? Even if I have the cultivation base of the transformation stage, If you don't want to, then I can't push the stone door open?"

"That's for sure! So for the time being, don't think about what you can get from this cave." Huo Qi explained with a sneer.

Zhuo Yifan suddenly realized that this beast is waiting for him here!It turned out that he was afraid that he would covet the things in this cave!

"If you say that, you're wronging a good man! I'm not the kind of person who wants to make money! You said before that you still have important things to do. Could it be that you want to seek revenge from the Dragon Blood Beast and that Roaring Lion?" Zhuo Yifan made an excuse, dumbfounded, and then asked with a frown.If that's the case, he's really in a bit of trouble.Do you want to help this monster to fight the other two monsters?

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