super unscrupulous student

4443 - Special Steel 1

"That's right! Your guess is completely correct. Although I agreed to the other party's cooperation plan and signed the contract, after I came back, the more I thought about it, the more I felt something was wrong. So I decided to find a time and go to the factory to see the situation! Just one month after they took over the factory, I chose a night when the visibility was not very good, and sneaked into the factory alone. Although the foreign security guards were tall and strong, they looked very capable of fighting, and they might even I am a retired soldier, but I believe that with their strength, it is impossible to find my existence. So I sneaked into my factory at night and tried to get into the laboratory of our R&D department!" Situ Chen nodded and explained.

"You must have discovered something!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.At this time, his expression became serious, and he listened very carefully to every word and sentence Situ Chen said.

"That's right! I checked the research materials of their technicians, took pictures of those materials with my mobile phone, and found a few small pieces from the samples they discarded. And I also found at the scene There are several notebooks, but they all have passwords, and I am not proficient in computers, so I have no way to obtain the information in them, so I can only give up!" Situ Chen explained helplessly.

"It turned out that you found that there was a problem with the steel they were developing, but what does that mean?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a frown.

"After I came back, I gave some of the fragmented data and the few small samples I got to our own technicians and asked them to analyze them. The result gave me the conclusion that it was a type they had never been in contact with. Steel, from a technical point of view, this kind of steel is more than one grade better than those produced by ourselves. The hardness and various indicators are far ahead of the known steel indicators, whether in China or abroad. Reminiscent of the identities of those foreigners, what does this represent, I don't need to explain further, I think you two should be very clear, right?" Situ Chen explained in a solemn tone.

"You mean, those steels are not ordinary civilian steels. All the indicators have reached the level of military use?" Xie Dongting asked tentatively, frowning.He also finally understood why Situ Chen was worried about this matter.There are so many foreigners on the other side, and they are also researching military steel, so let's not say what purpose there is.If he is targeted by the relevant departments, he will definitely not be able to escape!You must know that private manufacturing of military steel is definitely not allowed in China.Let alone foreigners!

"But my researcher told me that this kind of steel has even far exceeded the indicators of military steel in the United States, let alone our Huaxia! In other words, not only for civilian use, but also for military use, this kind of steel is unknown to us. Yes, and the best steel, bar none!" Situ Chen said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting were completely shocked.Situ Chen's words made them feel like a fantasy.But there is absolutely no need for the other party to lie to them!If it is true, then this matter is really not simple!

"Your technicians can't make mistakes, right? And the information you can easily obtain must be the most superficial and superficial! Is this how to judge the properties of those steel materials?" Xie Dongting raised his own doubts at this time.

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