super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4459 Breakout 3

"Hey... these monsters don't seem to want me to take these things." Situ Chen swallowed with some difficulty holding the things he snatched.

Fortunately, those monsters didn't mean to do anything directly, they just surrounded him, probably because they were worried that the two laptops would be damaged due to the fight.Seeing this, Zhuo Yifan immediately understood.He was even more certain that there must be something he needed in these two notebooks.

"I'll cover you. Get out of here quickly, someone has already rushed over!" Zhuo Yifan glanced outside the laboratory and sensed that a large number of people were approaching quickly around him, and shouted at Situ Chen Afterwards, brandishing the blood spirit thorn, he rushed into the encirclement of those monsters, covering Situ Chen and evacuating outside.

Two more monsters fell to the ground. After Zhuo Yifan confirmed that the two notebooks contained what he needed, he no longer left any room for murder. One is one!Situ Chen took the opportunity to come to the door of the laboratory, and rushed out in a flash.

However, the road they came here before was obviously blocked by people.A large number of monsters surrounded here, as many as 40 to [-] people.

"You can't go the same way, follow me this way!" Seeing that something was wrong, Situ Chen led Zhuo Yifan into another unmanned passage.

After Zhuo Yifan solved the two monsters again, he immediately caught up with Situ Chen at the fastest speed.

"How did these monsters come out? Why did I use the method you mentioned just now to deal with them, but it didn't seem to have any effect? ​​Didn't you say that true energy is effective for them?" Situ Chen asked angrily while running.

"How do I know? The technology of these monsters is already being improved. No one knows what they will look like tomorrow! You should understand the seriousness of the matter now, right? By the way, where is this road going? Why do you feel that we are not fleeing, but looking inside?" Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly, and then asked in surprise.

"The place we came in must be blocked by people now, and we can't get out from there. We can only go through the factory building and break out from the front." Situ Chen gritted his teeth and explained helplessly.

"Damn...they must have someone from the front!" Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but curse secretly.The luck of the two of them is also a little too bad.Now surrounded by a large number of monsters in the factory building, it has become very difficult to break out.

"They will not be able to catch up with us for a while. The area of ​​the factory building is large enough, so we take them around in circles. Then we try to escape from the main entrance of the factory building to the open space in the center of the factory area. The area is more open there. Pass through the open space and the green belt, that is The south gate we went to before." Situ Chen explained while running.

"It's easy to say, the exits of the factory must have been blocked by their people. It's not that easy to escape!" Zhuo Yifan reminded angrily.

"Then what do you say?" Situ Chen asked helplessly.

"I can only fight recklessly. You must protect those two computers, and nothing will happen. Leave the other matters to me!" Zhuo Yifan gritted his teeth with a gloomy expression.

"Okay, that's the only way to do it now! Let's go directly to the main entrance!" Situ Chen agreed with some depression, and then led Zhuo Yifan into a fork in the road.

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