super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4472 Annihilation 7

"No problem!" Xie Dongting agreed at the other end, and Si Zero Fire was already on his shoulders.

The two aimed the bazooka at the place where the monsters were most concentrated, and then began to look for the right time to fire the shells.The main reason is to worry about blowing up people on one's own side, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome.

"It's in good condition, ready to launch at any time, what about your side?" Xie Dongting asked lightly at this time.

"No problem. Listen to my password... three... two... one!" Zhuo Yifan just said the word, and the trigger was already pulled in his hand.The cannonball burst out of the chamber immediately, carrying a gleam of flame, and flew straight towards the center of the target.

"boom"! "boom"!Two explosions sounded, and at the same time, the roars of those monsters rang out.None of them expected that rockets would fly towards them at this time, and some monsters were blown up immediately.At the center of the explosion, a large number of monsters fell down, and the rest were either injured or fled in fright.

"Fight!" Hao Guofeng, who had been ambushing on both sides of the road for a long time, gave the order to attack the soldiers under him.At the same time, he set up his own sniper rifle and began to look for his target.

He still had doubts about Zhuo Yifan's previous words, and he didn't believe that these foreigners were as powerful as Zhuo Yifan said, so he decided to try it himself.Those foreigners are bigger, and their targets are relatively bigger.From the sniper scope, it is easy to lock one or more targets.

After Hao Guofeng stared for a long time, he found the outermost monster and shot him first in the lower abdomen.The shot undoubtedly hit.Hao Guofeng looked happy, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a confident smile.But soon his expression changed slightly.Because he saw from the sniper scope that when the monster's body was shot, it only shook slightly.He swayed, lowered his head and glanced at his lower abdomen in surprise, but he didn't intend to fall down directly. Instead, he acted more irritable than before, and rushed towards the soldiers who were shooting.And the assault rifles in the hands of those soldiers have no effect on these monsters.The bullets hit them, as if they had been bounced off, leaving bullet holes in their clothes, but not a single drop of blood!

"What the hell. What kind of monster is this? Not even afraid of bullets?" Hao Guofeng couldn't help cursing secretly, and fired two more shots at the monster, but still didn't see the monster fall down.

"One shot to the head! Let's see if you die!" Hao Guofeng gritted his teeth for the last time, and shot the monster in the head.However, it was discovered that the monster had only scratched its skin a little bit, and it still screamed strangely for a while, but it was probably still far away from death, right?

In the end Hao Guofeng had to believe Zhuo Yifan's words and chose to give up.It seems that apart from blinding his eyes, other parts really have no effect.The eyes were the most vulnerable place, and the bullet might penetrate the brain, killing him instantly.

Thinking of this, Hao Guofeng looked at the scope again.This time he chose Zhuo Yifan's suggestion to directly design the target's eyes.

When a shot hit, the monster let out a scream and roar, its body fell back, and it fell straight on the ground.Blood flowed out from his eye sockets.His body was still twitching non-stop, and he didn't know if he would still be alive, or he would die soon.

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