"You...you...you forced me! Then don't blame me...uh...ah!!!" Seeing this, Liu Hai's eyes flashed fiercely. As soon as he finished speaking, he pretended to pull the trigger, but he didn't Thinking of a sudden numbness between the wrists, the entire arm felt like an electric shock, and he immediately lost his intuition.

Looking at his hand again, it was empty, and the pistol was gone!

Handing the gun taken from Liu Hai directly to Wang Guangyao, Xie Dongting stared at Liu Hai with disdain, and said in a cold voice: "I warned you just now, but if you didn't listen, then I can't help it! Your problem, Naturally, people from the Commission for Discipline Inspection will come to inquire. But you will not have any luck."

"You... please let me go, I... I will give you money, a lot of money. How much do you want? 100 million... is it enough? Not 200 million! Please let me go!" Liu Hai was completely soft now, Kneeling directly in front of Xie Dongting, begging for mercy while pulling his trouser leg with one hand.

Wang Guangyao did not expect that when Xie Dongting appeared, he would force Liu Hai to this point. Although he didn't know the reason, he could imagine that Liu Hai was probably going to die this time!

"Wang Ju, handcuff him, this guy dares to use a gun, you have the right to handcuff him!" Xie Dongting said to Wang Guangyao.

Wang Guangyao was also unambiguous, directly took out the handcuffs, and stepped forward to handcuff Liu Hai's hands.

At this time, Liu Hai also knew that he could not run away, and he was limp on the ground like a puddle of mud, his eyes were full of ashes of despair, he seemed to have seen his end, and he lost everything in an instant His spirit seemed to have aged several years in an instant.

"Call and find two trustworthy guys to watch him. When the Discipline Inspection Commissioner arrives, just hand it over! We still have other things to do, don't leak the news about Liu Hai!" Xie Dongting said at this time Wang Guangyao ordered.

"Okay!" Wang Guangyao didn't dare to hesitate even a little bit about Xie Dongting's words.He didn't ask any more questions at the moment, just made a phone call, and two policemen came to Liu Hai's office.

"It's fine for them to watch here, so where are we going now?" Wang Guangyao asked Xie Dongting after the caller arrived.

"Just follow me! Doesn't Liu Hai have two confidants? He is down, and these two can't run!" Xie Dongting explained with a sneer.

"Yes! Hurry up, Wu Feng and Wang Yi are also under control. If I had known earlier, I would have left that Wang Yi behind too!" Wang Guangyao finally came to his senses, thinking of letting Wang Yi leave just now, he regretted it for a while.

"It's okay. He can't run away." Xie Dongting chuckled disapprovingly, then left Liu Hai's office with Wang Guangyao, and rushed towards the place where Zhuo Yifan was on the first floor.

"Miss, are you here to send money to Zhuo Yifan?" The two girls in front of him... No, they should be women, and they are the best among women, Wu Feng couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed in his heart: so beautiful!

"Who is Miss, you are Miss, your whole family is Miss!" Angel's pretty face sank, and she cursed unceremoniously.

Wu Feng's face immediately darkened when he heard the words, and he couldn't help snorting coldly: "Could you be here to play tricks? Do you want to rescue Zhuo Yifan?"

"We want to see my brother, you take us to see him first. The money will be given to you when the time comes!" Zhuo Wenhui said lightly at this time.

"Your brother? Since when did that kid have a sister?" Wu Feng was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked suspiciously, frowning.

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