super unscrupulous student

4548 - Return to Hong Kong 2

"What? You're leaving today?" Zhuo's mother had a surprised look on her face after hearing Zhuo Yifan's words, obviously not very happy.But more helpless.Although he is reluctant to part with his son, he also knows that he has many things to do.Being able to spend the New Year with her at home is already the best gift God has given her.Now she doesn't dare to ask too much.After all, it is impossible for a son to be with him all the time.

"That's right. What happened in Hong Kong happened suddenly and was very important. I had to rush there. Zixin and the others will stay here with you!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a hint of guilt.

"Then be careful yourself!" Mother Zhuo nodded and urged.

"Husband, today is the first day of the new year, and you are going to Hong Kong? Do you want to go back and pay New Year's greetings to grandpa and parents?" Song Zixin asked reluctantly at this time.

"Of course I'm going. But it may be a little later. If the old man asks, please explain it to me!" Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"Okay. Grandpa probably already knows that you will go to Hong Kong!" Song Zixin nodded obediently and said.On such a big matter, she would never play petty temper to drag Zhuo Yifan back.

"You guys spend more time with Mom, Yun'er, you will stay at home for the time being, now that you are pregnant, it's not suitable for you to run around!" Zhuo Yifan finally looked at Xia Yun, and urged.

"That's what I mean too. I don't worry if Yun'er stays here, and I can have someone to talk to!" Zhuo's mother immediately nodded and said.

"Then what should I do?" Xia Qing was immediately unhappy when she heard this.I can't stay in Dongdu too, can I?Now that Zhuo Yifan is gone, Song Zixin and the others will return to Beijing soon.What's the point of staying in Dongdu with my sister?

"You, go back to Beijing with Zixin and the others. After I go back, I will find a way to get you back home!" Zhuo Yifan explained helplessly.

"You want me to go back, don't you?" Xia Qing pursed her lips and snorted with obvious displeasure.

"Silly girl, are you going to keep fighting with Dad?" Xia Yun asked with a trace of reproach while touching Xia Qing's head.

"Sister, I didn't mean that!" Xia Qing shook her head aggrievedly, only she knew in her heart how much she hated Zhuo Yifan.Although the days of getting along with each other are also very short these days, she has never been so happy.And everyone obviously sees her as part of the family.Although she was thin-skinned and didn't admit it, she was very clear about the meaning of the bracelet on her wrist.Everyone present also knew it in their hearts.This is the daughter-in-law identified by Zhuo's mother.Although Zhuo's mother has too many daughters-in-law!

"Okay, I'm leaving for Hong Kong now, and the angel will go with me. Stay with mom at home, and I'll finish handling the Hong Kong affairs soon, and then rush back to find you!" Zhuo Yifan said to Watching all the daughters say goodbye to their mother for the last time, they hurried downstairs.

Then Xie Dongting drove, took Zhuo Yifan and Angel to the base of the special operations team.There is a long-distance transport plane there, which allows Zhuo Yifan and Angel to reach Hong Kong in the shortest time.Moreover, we have already contacted the Hong Kong Garrison, so there will be no formalities.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Zhuo Yifan and Angel landed from the military airport set up by the Hong Kong Garrison on the outskirts of the city.It is not far from Hong Kong International Airport.After getting off the plane, Zhuo Yifan saw two familiar faces.One is Chief Executive Zeng, and the other, of course, is General Liu Weizhong, the supreme commander of the garrison.

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