super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4599: Leading the Snake out of the Cave 1

Before Wang Cheng contacted the Long family, he had already managed to send a message to himself, but in order to know the exact time when the Long family's gang did it, he still had to see Wang Cheng again.Although it is a bit risky to do so, he believes that the other party may not be able to find him.

Half an hour later, the police came to the Wang Group Building again, led by Liu Zilan, and asked to see Wang Cheng to inquire about the situation.

But this time there were not as many policemen as before, and with Liu Zilan included, there were only five of them.

"Mr. Wang, the police are here again, and they want to ask you to cooperate with the investigation!" The secretary walked into the office and reported to Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng frowned, thinking that Liu Zilan seemed a little too fast this time.If the Long family didn't make a good plan, it would be terrible.

"Let them in!" Wang Cheng explained to the secretary, and then the secretary brought Liu Zilan and others into Wang Cheng's office.Then the door was closed, leaving only Wang Cheng and five policemen in the office.

"Zi Lan? Why are you here again?" Wang Cheng frowned and asked in a slightly dissatisfied tone.He knew that the Long family would probably send someone to watch his movement at this time, so he couldn't show any abnormalities.

Liu Zilan didn't speak, but a strange police officer came to Wang Cheng's desk and took off the large sunglasses on the bridge of his nose.

Wang Cheng was surprised at first why this police officer was still wearing sunglasses when he was on duty, but after seeing his face clearly, he stayed where he was, and after a long while, he slowly reacted, stammering Said aloud: "Mr. Zhuo...Mr. Zhuo! Why are you here?"

"Don't worry, I've checked it when I came here. There are only two people from the Long family watching around your building. There are no people from them in the building, and there are no bugs in your office. It's safe to speak." Zhuo Yifan said bluntly. explained.

When Wang Cheng heard this, he was visibly relieved.He was just worried that if Zhuo Yifan appeared, he would be discovered by the Long family.

"But all your external calls must have been monitored by them, so I can't use any communication tools to communicate with you. But face-to-face is much more convenient!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Wang Cheng seemed hesitant.

"Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't talk to you like this. How did you handle the matter I told you before?" Zhuo Yifan nodded bluntly and asked.

"I have already contacted the other party as you said. It's just a question of whether they believe it. The deployment of the police must not cause trouble. Let them believe that all this is just an accident, and let them move things as soon as possible!" Wang Cheng nodded and explained.

"Very good. You don't have to worry about the arrangement on the police side. As long as there are no problems on your side. I will sneak in in a while and stay with you all the time. The police will also bring a search warrant to search all your warehouses. What to do later, I will tell you when I come in! Now we leave first, you wait for me in the office. Up to 10 minutes, I will come again!" After Zhuo Yifan finished speaking, he gave Liu Zilan the command winking, and the group exited Wang Cheng's office.

Sitting in the police car, Liu Zilan asked hesitantly, "Are you sure there are no members of the Long family watching in the building? And how did you determine that there is no monitor in Wang Cheng's office?"

"Of course I have my own way. In short, trust my judgment. Let me get off after two intersections. There are people watching here, so it's inconvenient for me to move!" Zhuo Yifan ordered confidently.

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