super unscrupulous student

4630 - Terrible Attack 5

"It's okay, they can't achieve their goal, and they will evacuate soon. It is not good for them to procrastinate. I will guarantee your safety!" Ryan hurriedly comforted.

At this moment, Ryan sensed that the fighting outside gradually quieted down.The gunshots have disappeared, but the shouts and fighting still continue.The fluctuation of true energy became more and more frequent.

Why is there another group of innate masters?Could it be that the other party has reinforcements again?Ryan frowned subconsciously.But it was soon discovered that both sides of the fight were born masters.One of them must be someone from his own side.Only then did he react.It should be the people Zhuo Yifan sent to protect Doreen.How could I forget them?

Thinking of this, Ryan was completely relieved.I have the support of innate masters here.It is even more impossible for the other party to achieve their goals.

It didn't take long for the fighting to calm down.Two bodyguards rushed into Ryan's position. After seeing him, one of them said bluntly: "The group of people has been repelled. The scene is temporarily safe. But I can't guarantee whether there are still people from the other party mixed in the crowd. Be careful when you go out!"

"Arrange a safe passage immediately. Let's leave here first!" Ryan ordered in a deep voice.

The two bodyguards nodded, and then flashed out of the office.

At this moment, the whole building suddenly trembled violently.The successive explosions sounded, causing the expressions of Ryan and Doreen to change slightly.

"Hurry up!" Ryan's heart sank suddenly, he didn't expect the other party to use such a crazy way.But at this time, he couldn't think too much, and pulled Doreen who hadn't reacted yet, and rushed out of Howard's office.

There were also explosions from some corners on the [-]th floor, and Ryan understood the other party's intention in an instant.It turned out that the other party did not give up. After knowing that Doreen could not be solved smoothly, he chose to use this extreme method to blow up the entire building.In this way, Doreen must be finished too!

Ryan knew that he didn't have much time and had to take Doreen out of here immediately.But the elevator and the stairs were obviously too late.The only way now is to jump off the building directly.

But this is the [-]th floor, thinking about it makes Ryan have the urge to scold his mother.Fortunately, there are windows on the side of the office area outside Howard's office.Ryan didn't have time to think about it, picked up Doreen, and jumped out of the broken window.

Ryan, who was in the air, took a rough look at the situation of the building from the outside.Thick smoke was billowing from almost every floor, and it was obvious that all had been bombed.There was a sharp rattling sound from the whole building, as if it might fall or collapse at any moment.

Ryan's face was livid.However, although the height of the eighteenth floor is very high, the speed of falling is very fast, and the time is very short.Before he had time to scold his mother, he was about to have an intimate contact with the ground.

The moment before landing, Ryan suddenly burst out with a high-energy mental force.The light formed by the powerful energy fluctuations is like the high brightness produced at the moment of the explosion of a flare, and it is impossible for people to look directly at it.

It was because of this sudden burst of mental power that Ryan and Doreen's landing momentum was buffered.Ryan hugged Doreen, landed on his back, and fell hard to the ground.But this little injury was nothing to him.The moment he landed, he finally let go of his heart.

"Dazzling Dance Space" is a free serialized fantasy novel "Star Wars God" that has been conceived for more than a year. If you like it, you can go to add Q to see it, give your opinion, and definitely read it first.In addition, brothers who need roles can also come up with their own ideas.Xuanwu QQ: 380552318, this is only one chance. "

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