super unscrupulous student

4634 - Shock and anger 4

At 07:30 in the evening, Zhuo Yifan's military plane arrived at the military apron of the Dongdu Police Command.After getting off the plane, Zhuo Yifan saw Xie Dongting and Qingyan, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback.Why did Qingyan follow her?

"Xiaofan, let's talk after getting in the car!" Xie Dongting pointed to the Maybach beside him, without saying anything, but urged Zhuo Yifan to get in the car.

Zhuo Yifan nodded, and the four of them got into the car.

Xie Dongting started the car, and asked Zhuo Yifan, "Have you understood everything? What's going on?"

"I don't know yet, I'm still waiting for news." Zhuo Yifan explained, then looked at Qingyan beside him and asked, "Yan'er, why are you here?"

"I heard the phone call between you and brother-in-law at home. I was worried, so I went to take a look with brother-in-law. But don't worry, Sister Yun and Zixin don't know about it! I mentioned it to mom!" Qing Yan knew Zhuo Yifan was worried, and explained softly.

"Well! Thank you, I'm fine!" Zhuo Yifan took a deep breath and nodded in response.

"Dad and General Guo both called me just now and asked me to watch you. General Guo has already flown over in person, and we will meet tonight. Remember, don't be impulsive! Doreen will be fine!" Xie Dongting He reminded again.

"Guo Zifeng came here in person? What is he doing here?" Zhuo Yifan asked in surprise.

"I also received a call from General Guo before you arrived. This is the meaning of number one. The British government does not know where to find out that this matter has something to do with you. The queen called number one herself. I hope you can go to London to investigate this matter clearly. I don’t know the meaning of No. [-] yet, and when General Guo arrives, he will tell you!” Xie Dongting explained helplessly.

"It doesn't matter what they say, I'm going to London. I must figure this out." Zhuo Yifan snorted and replied in a deep voice.

Xie Dongting sighed helplessly, and then continued to ask: "Is there no news from Ryan?"

"I called, but he didn't answer. I don't know what's going on." Zhuo Yifan shook his head and explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, his cell phone rang.And it was Ryan's number who called.

Zhuo Yifan immediately connected the phone and asked straightforwardly: "How is it? Doreen is okay?"

"It's nothing serious, don't worry. It's just that I was stunned by the explosion and had a little scratch. The situation was chaotic at the time. I don't have time to tell you more. I have to bring her back first." Ryan explained helplessly.

"What's going on? What did the Long family do?" Zhuo Yifan asked with narrowed eyes.

"The opponents are all innate masters. Apart from the Long family, I can't think of a second force. And they have planted bombs in the building long ago. They knew that Doreen would go to that company early on, so they arranged everything." Ryan's The tone was full of anger, and he said with lingering fear: "When the explosion happened, Doreen and I were still inside the building. If I hadn't decisively chosen to escape directly from the window on the eighteenth floor, I guess she and I would have hung there! Although we escaped, most of our people were not spared. Including those masters you sent, most of them were killed or injured."

Hearing Ryan's explanation, Zhuo Yifan's expression immediately became gloomy.The other three people in the car naturally also heard the content of the call, and each of them showed a dignified look.This matter is extraordinary and must be handled with caution and calmly.With Zhuo Yifan's current state, Xie Dongting was really worried about whether he could handle it well.Fortunately, Doreen is fine, which can somewhat keep Zhuo Yifan calm.

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