super unscrupulous student

4703 - Stephen's Crisis 3

"This is the crux of the matter. In fact, you are not an outsider, but the son-in-law of our Morgan consortium. I am going to hand over my position to Doreen, and then you can secretly help her and contact the crisis in the family! " Stephen explained.

"Give it to Doreen?" Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard the words, but he didn't realize it for a long time.There is no doubt about Doreen's talent in business. After a while, she will become a rich woman after all.With the strong backing of the Morgan consortium, she can do whatever she wants.But the problem is, she is still so young, it is unimaginable for ordinary people to let her manage a group company.But if all the huge assets of the entire Morgan consortium were handed over to her?How much determination does this require?Besides, it's not certain whether she can do well!Could it be that the crisis within the Morgan Consortium has forced Stephen to make such a decision?If Doreen can't handle these things well, won't it be over in the end?What's more, Zhuo Yifan himself didn't want to put too much pressure on his woman.He knew that whether Doreen could do it was only one aspect, but whether he could withstand such a great pressure was another aspect!From a personal point of view, he would rather Doreen have nothing to do with Morgan than to watch her work so hard.And the gun hits the head.Stephen's move pushed Doreen to the forefront!Is she really so confident in herself?

"That's right. I know you must be very shocked. I'm also thinking about how to explain this to Doreen. But now I have no choice! I think you should understand that the reason I said this is that It means that this is the only option at present! If we don't do it, the Morgan consortium will be destroyed by someone sooner or later, and it will become just a money-making tool for the Long family!" Stephen sighed helplessly.Why did she want to put so much pressure on her daughter?The current situation is almost like walking a tightrope.If one foot is not firmly planted and the center of gravity is slightly shifted, one may fall into the abyss beyond redemption.

"Okay, madam, I think I need to think about this matter. I won't say anything else, can you tell me what the crisis you are facing?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a frown.

"In the past two days, the family business has been greatly impacted, and our profits are declining. In just two days, our losses have reached nearly 500 billion U.S. dollars. This has damaged the interests of some people. Those people Jumped out and questioned my leadership ability. At the same time, some people took the opportunity to impeach me to step down. And this kind of voice among the family is still getting louder. I think this bad situation may continue. If a short period of time I can't solve it, I will be expelled from the core layer by them sooner or later, and at the same time let the economic lifeline enter the hands of some people with ulterior motives!" Stephen rubbed his temples and explained helplessly.

"In other words, it was the loss in business that caused some members of the family to distrust you. Some people even took the opportunity to take this opportunity to attack your position in the Morgan consortium, so that you can hold the power Hand it over!" Zhuo Yifan then understood the general idea.

"That's right! That's what's going on! And I've investigated, and the recent losses were not due to operational errors or investment setbacks, but some people's tampering in private, so that our company was unknowingly I suffered a big loss when I realized it, and when I realized it, it was irreparable. The ghost in the family is the root of all this. Or, the Long family is the root of all this! If you can’t get rid of the insider If the ghost is kicked out from the Morgan family, then the Morgan family will be controlled by the Long family sooner or later! I don't think you want to see that the Long family will have such a partner as the Morgan family?" Stephen nodded and explained.

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