super unscrupulous student

4724 - Cute little guy 1

The speechless Zhuo Yifan could only let the little guy suck on his finger, and then took out the precautions that Liu Haoran gave him last night.It was written to him by his master Xiahou Shangyu.It says how to carry out the steps of recognizing the Lord by dripping blood.

After Zhuo Yifan glanced at it, he already understood it.Then his eyes returned to the little guy in front of him again.

But the current situation made Zhuo Yifan a little embarrassed.To recognize the Lord with a drop of blood, there must be blood!Needless to say how strong my body is, ordinary knives can't cut through it at all, even bullets may not be able to penetrate it!Even if something could hurt him, he could stop the bleeding in an instant by relying on the true energy of the fire spirit and the repairing function of "Derived Art", and this is an instinctive reaction of the body, which is beyond his control at all!

It seems that everything has advantages and disadvantages.Now Zhuo Yifan wanted to give up his powerful self-healing ability.But having said that, if you self-harm, it is still possible to get some blood out.Anyway, it doesn't take much blood to recognize the Lord with a drop of blood.But if the behavior of self-mutilation is known to others, it will be regarded as brain damage, right?

Zhuo Yifan gave a wry smile helplessly in his heart.Now is not the time to ponder these questions.It's better to quickly get rid of this little guy, and then leave here with it.Otherwise, it would be a real headache to wait for some uninvited guests to come.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Yifan directly summoned the blood spirit thorn in his body.With a thought, the blood spirit thorn turned around, and the sharp point pierced Zhuo Yifan's wrist, drawing a long bloodstain.But it was back to normal soon.This situation was also expected by Zhuo Yifan.However, the two drops of blood oozing out of the skin were quickly caught by him with his fingers.

"Should it be enough?" Zhuo Yifan looked at the two drops of blood on his finger, and after talking to himself, he looked at the little guy.

At this time, the little guy, for some unknown reason, had already let go of Zhuo Yifan's other finger with his little mouth, and his eyes were still staring at Zhuo Yifan innocently, with a vague look of fear.

After thinking about it, Zhuo Yifan guessed a general idea.It should be the spiritual energy erupting from the blood spirit thorn just now that scared this little guy!

With a thought, the blood spirit thorn disappeared from Zhuo Yifan again and entered his body.Without the oppression of the powerful aura, the little guy's nervous expression became a little more relaxed, but his eyes were full of innocence when he looked at Zhuo Yifan, and there seemed to be a trace of sadness.

This made Zhuo Yifan a little dumbfounded.Probably this is the difference between spirit beasts and ordinary animals.

"Chirp!" The little guy's throat made a slight cry again.At this moment, he was probing his small nose, sniffing the two drops of blood left on Zhuo Yifan's other finger.It was probably the smell of blood that attracted it.

Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat.Is this little guy so sensitive to the smell of blood?The next moment, what made him dumbfounded was that the little guy actually stuck out his pink and tender tongue, and started to suck on his blood-stained fingers.

Zhuo Yifan quickly pulled his finger back.If I let this little guy lick it all up, wouldn't I want to bleed again?

Thinking of this, he didn't delay anymore, and gently tapped the little guy's head with his blood-stained finger.According to the two heart formulas given by the master, the blood on the finger was completely poured into the little guy's head in an instant.To be precise, it should be integrated into it.

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