super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4744 Zhao Zhengyang's Revenge 2

"Long Xiangtian?" The angel had a look of surprise on his face as early as Zhuo Yifan answered the phone.Not only her, but even Ryan and Liu Haoran looked a little weird.It wasn't until the end of the call that Angel couldn't help asking.

"Well! Long Xiangtian wants to get rid of Prince Long. Now he can only cooperate with me, which is the most powerful for him. I have told this matter before, except for my brother-in-law and the old man. No one else knows about it!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.At this time, there is no need for him to hide from the three people in front of him.

"I've thought about this possibility. But I'm not sure. Now I can explain some things I don't understand!" Liu Haoran couldn't help but nodded.

"Long Xiangtian said that Zhao Zhengyang was transformed into the latest type of genetic warrior by them. And he has been sent to London to carry out the task against me. It seems that we should have met him this morning, but we just passed by. I wonder if he was slapped to death by Tony?" Zhuo Yifan sneered.

"This news is a bit unexpected. To be honest, I didn't expect Prince Long to be so ruthless, turning Long Xiangtian into a genetic monster! Anyway, the Zhao family is their ally, even a dog should have some feelings Right?" Liu Haoran frowned and said.

"The members of the Long family will not be too surprised to do anything. If they had feelings, they would not have done so many inhumane things. In their eyes, they only have interests and status! The rest are nothing to them. It's not worth it, let alone a human life." Zhuo Yifan snorted disapprovingly.

"Then what are you going to do next? Sit back and wait?" Liu Haoran couldn't help asking.

"That's the only way for now. Angel can try to monitor the surrounding area through the network system. When the eight masters come over, we can wait for work." Zhuo Yifan nodded and instructed the angel.

"I observed it when I came here just now. The roads around here are monitored by the city. It's not a problem to monitor it!" Angel explained, opened his notebook, and started working.

At this time, in a factory in the northern suburbs of London, Zhao Zhengyang was sitting on a machine with a gloomy face, his expression was ferocious and terrifying.If Zhuo Yifan saw him, he would never have thought that this guy turned into a genetic monster.Because he is no different from before.

This was their temporary stronghold, and a large group of genetic warriors were packed into the factory building at the same time.But from the looks of it, Zhao Zhengyang seemed to be the leader, and everyone respected him very much.No one would have imagined how much energy is contained in the bodies of these seemingly ordinary people, and how much destructive power they can cause.

At this time, a young man with an oriental face ran in from the gate of the factory building, came straight to Zhao Zhengyang, and said respectfully: "Captain, we have found their foothold!"

"Oh? Where is it?" Upon hearing this, Zhao Zhengyang asked with an excited grin on his gloomy face, and asked impatiently.

"In a small estate along the Thames River. Are we trying to launch an attack?" The young man explained, and then continued to ask.

"Is that place easy to attack?" Zhao Zhengyang asked again.

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