super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4751 The Enemy Meets 5

"That's right. But don't forget, it's Zhao Zhengyang who wants to kill us. And if Zhao Zhengyang isn't killed, can the Zhao family come to our side and stop being hostile to us? Don't you think it's too simple?" Zhuo Yifan said with a light smile.

When Ryan heard the words, he couldn't help but blushed, and stopped expressing his opinions immediately, so as not to embarrass himself.

"However, it would be beneficial not to kill him for the time being. If possible, try to capture him alive!" Zhuo Yifan added with a smile.

"Catch him alive? Then you might as well kill him. If Zhao Zhengyang knew that you had such an idea, he would probably be mad!" Ryan couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.If Zhao Zhengyang was really captured alive, it would undoubtedly be another humiliation to him.If I were myself, being forced to such an extent by the enemy, I would definitely want to find a crack in the ground to get down.

"I hope his mental endurance will also improve!" Zhuo Yifan shrugged noncommittally.

Zhao Zhengyang on the mountain in the distance was staring at Zhuo Yifan and Ryan quietly through the night vision binoculars, with a strong murderous intent in his eyes, wishing he couldn't hear what the two of them were saying.

However, Zhuo Yifan's occasional eyes looking this way, and the contemptuous smile on his face from time to time, still made Zhao Zhengyang feel very uncomfortable, and at the same time gave birth to a little vigilance.Is it so far away, or was Zhuo Yifan discovered?Doesn't he know that he is here to spy on him?

"Is everyone ready?" Zhao Zhengyang was impatient to wait any longer.After seeing Zhuo Yifan's real person, all his patience disappeared without a trace.

"Captain, didn't you say you have to wait until 12 o'clock to do it?" the young man with a flat head asked in surprise.

"I can't wait any longer. From the looks of them, it seems that they are about to leave. This time, we can't let them escape from our noses like this morning. Inform the brothers and prepare to do it right away!" Zhao Zhengyang ordered in a deep voice.

"Understood," the flat-haired young man nodded in agreement, then took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his subordinates.

At the same time, Zhuo Yifan and Ryan, who were at the entrance of the villa, also had their hearts moved at the same time.

"They're ready to do it!" Zhuo Yifan said lightly with a smile on his face.

"Everyone around is moving. Our people are still in the dark, so it shouldn't be a problem to resist them!" Ryan also noticed the movement around him and said with a frown.

"I'm sure now that Zhao Zhengyang is on the opposite hill. When the battle starts, I will find him first. You and the other brothers find a way to hold them back." Zhuo Yifan ordered bluntly.

"No problem!" Ryan nodded confidently.

Zhuo Yifan and Ryan immediately walked out towards the gate of the manor as if nothing happened.The enemy, who was watching in the dark, had already prepared everything, just waiting for Zhao Zhengyang to give the order to attack.

But at this moment, one of the two people who were still walking together suddenly disappeared.Except for Ryan who was standing still, Zhuo Yifan's figure flashed and disappeared into the darkness without a trace.

This made the expressions of the enemies who were watching secretly change slightly.Of course, the one with the biggest change in expression was Zhao Zhengyang.

"Zhuo Yifan is gone, get someone to do it quickly, absolutely don't let him run away!" Zhao Zhengyang put down the night vision binoculars, got into the car directly, and urgently ordered to the flat-haired young man.

The flat-headed youth quickly took out his mobile phone and directly gave the order to attack.

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