"That's good. I'm sorry to trouble you, Ambassador Li. If you have nothing else to do, then I will take my friends away first!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and said with satisfaction.

"No problem! Then I'll arrange the next job first, and I won't send you off!" Li Qingchun nodded shyly.

"Goodbye!" Zhuo Yifan agreed, then turned and left Li Qingchun's office.

Back in the office where Zhao Zhengyang was imprisoned, the angel put the little guy into a black leather bag again.This is also an expedient measure just before entering the embassy.After all, you can't let people see you and these people coming in with a monster in their hands, right?

"Hey, your ears are so bright? I said next door that I'm leaving, are you ready now?" Seeing this, Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but chuckled.

"Let's go? Where are you going? You are not here, other people can't protect my safety at all. Those people from the Long family will definitely kill me!" Zhao Zhengyang, who was lying on the side and could not move, was suddenly excited Getting up, he yelled at Zhuo Yifan and begged, "Please, if you want to leave, take me with you!"

"We still have things to do, it is impossible to take you around. But you can rest assured that the order has just been issued, let me personally be responsible for your safety, and escort you back to the country. Before that, I promise you will not have Any danger. I will arrange some people to protect you in a while, you'd better be honest with me!" Zhuo Yifan looked at Zhao Zhengyang and hummed lightly.

"Is the person you arranged reliable? How is their strength?" Zhao Zhengyang asked with an ugly expression.

"It's enough to protect you. You can be lucky. Four peak masters, plus four late masters. It's useless for the Long family to send another three hundred monsters!" Zhuo Yifan explained disapprovingly.

Zhao Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.He told Zhuo Yifan what he should and shouldn't say.The Long family will definitely kill him to vent their anger.Even if he didn't say it, with the Long family's style of doing things, it's impossible to keep him alive.If he wants to live now, he has no choice but to trust Zhuo Yifan.

"Ready!" Angel handed the bag containing the little guy to Liu Haoran at this time, and then he and Ryan carried the two bags of equipment that had been separated, and said to Zhuo Yifan.

"Okay! Let's go!" Zhuo Yifan nodded. He had sensed that the eight people he had arranged had entered the building. There shouldn't be any problems on Zhao Zhengyang's side!

Afterwards, Zhuo Yifan took Angel and others directly back to the underground parking lot from the original road of No. [-] passage, and drove the SUV away from the embassy.

"What should we do next? On the [-]st, you are asked to send Zhao Zhengyang back to China, so what should Ryan and Doreen do?" Sitting on the co-pilot, Angel asked with a slight frown.

"Can you still do this? Just say it. Anyway, it will take two days to send Zhao Zhengyang back. Come back then!" Zhuo Yifan explained disapprovingly.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple for you to send him back. Some people may not be willing!" Liu Haoran reminded lightly from behind.

"You mean the Long family?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"The Long family will definitely not watch you send Zhao Zhengyang back to China. Zhao Zhengming is a good example." Liu Haoran nodded and said.

"I'm not worried about that. I'm afraid they won't dare to jump out!" Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

"Anyway, don't be careless. But right now you have another problem to solve!" Liu Haoran immediately gave a wry smile, shook his head and sighed.

At the same time, Zhuo Yifan also braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.A black car was parked seven or eight meters in front of their car. They knew this car and it was Tony's car.The shape and workmanship look like Rolls-Royce, but there is no logo, and it is impossible to tell which model of Rolls-Royce it is, but some features are similar.

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