super unscrupulous student

Chapter 4913 Flattered 1

"I think they didn't want to be troublesome, so they came to me directly. After talking about some things, they left directly. I just left not long ago, so I can only say that your luck is not very good!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"You kid, can't you just let me know? By the way, did your master bring that little guy back?" Xie Dongting asked curiously when he found that the bag on the bed was missing.

"Yes." Zhuo Yifan nodded.

"Did grandpa say what is going on between the words in your palm and what happened today?" Xie Dongting asked curiously.

"It's true that I said something, but I'm not very sure. Everything has to wait for time to prove." Zhuo Yifan explained the previous conclusion to Xie Dongting with a wry smile, and Xie Dongting was also secretly dumbfounded and amazed.How many people would believe this kind of thing?Even he felt like he was listening to a bible.

"Now that you have the answer, don't worry about this matter anymore. I just discussed with Hao Zhanfeng and the others, and decided to send Zhao Zhengyang to the border defense regiment early tomorrow, and then send him to the Northwest Military Region by helicopter. By then General Guo will join us in the Northwest Military Region!" Xie Dongting said abruptly.

"Since you have all decided, let's do this. I don't have any opinions. The point is to avoid any accidents." Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Now that your strength has recovered, are you still afraid that the other party will play tricks? In China, I think the Long family should not have the guts to make a big fuss!" Xie Dongting snorted disapprovingly.

"I hope so! Rest early and leave tomorrow!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled noncommittally, then returned to the bed, and continued to adjust his breath.

Early the next morning, when Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting walked out of the outpost, they saw that the nearby military tents had basically been dismantled.At six o'clock in the morning, all the officers and soldiers under Hao Zhanfeng were fully equipped and lined up neatly in front of the snow field of the post, waiting for the order to set off.

"The Snow Fox Assault Brigade of the Second Battalion of the Frontier Defense Regiment has been assembled, please give instructions to Major General Xie!" Hao Zhanfeng trotted to Xie Dongting's place, and after paying a standard military salute, he said loudly.

"Comrades have worked hard. I'm going to say hello to Platoon Leader Sun. Everyone rest in place for 5 minutes, and then set off!" Xie Dongting looked at his watch, and then ordered to Hao Zhanfeng.

At this time, Sun Hai also brought all the soldiers of his frontier defense platoon out.

"Major General Xie, Major General Zhuo, are you going to leave immediately?" Sun Hai came up and asked.

"Yes, Platoon Leader Sun. We are in a hurry, so we won't bother you. Thank you for your hospitality last night." Xie Dongting nodded politely.

"Major General Xie, you are being polite. This is what we should do! Since you are leaving, I can only wish you a smooth journey and a successful escort mission!" Sun Hai said with a smile.

"Thank you, Platoon Leader Sun." Xie Dongting nodded with a smile, and then told Zheng Dong and others who had just come out: "Go and bring Zhao Zhengyang out, ready to go!"

Zheng Dong nodded, and then returned to the outpost.Last night, Zhao Zhengyang was detained in the duty room on the side of the outpost, guarded by Zheng Dong and other eight masters of the Zhuo family, and they lived in peace all night.It's just that after two days of tossing, when Zhao Zhengyang walked out of the outpost, he didn't look very good.Xie Dongting and Zhuo Yifan looked at each other with a smile on their lips.It seems that no matter how much this rich young man changes, he is not the kind of person who can endure hardships!

"Zhuo Yifan, where are you taking me?" Zhao Zhengyang asked loudly after seeing Zhuo Yifan.

"Do you still need to ask? Of course I sent you back to the capital." Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

Zhao Zhengyang's face was a little ugly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.The young master of the Zhao family, who used to be able to call the wind and rain in the capital, has now become a prisoner.Returning to the capital was also to impose sanctions and trials on himself, which made him very unwilling, even a little panicked, afraid of returning to the place he was familiar with.

But he knew that nothing could be changed.The Long family will never let him go. If he wants to survive, he has no other choice but to cooperate with Zhuo Yifan and the others.

"Then how do we go back? What if those members of the Long family still want my life?" Zhao Zhengyang asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about that!" Xie Dongting chuckled, then pointed to the soldiers who were not far away and said: "Did you see that? The officers and soldiers of this battalion will go on the road with us and send us to the Northwest Military Region At that time, we will send you back to the capital together with the people from the central government. No matter how courageous the Long family is, they will not dare to attack you in this situation!"

Zhao Zhengyang breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.He had had enough of these two days of worrying.If he didn't get killed by the Long family's killer, he might go crazy.

"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to go!" Zhuo Yifan reminded at this time.

Xie Dongting nodded, and then ordered to Hao Zhanfeng who was not far away: "Hao Battalion Commander, tell the team to set off. Let the soldiers of one company go ahead to open the way first. The rest stay behind us!"

"Understood!" Hao Zhanfeng agreed, and then conveyed Xie Dongting's order to his officers and soldiers.

A team of hundreds of people set off from the border post and headed for the station of the inland border defense regiment.

Because they acted together with Hao Zhanfeng and the others, the speed of Zhuo Yifan and others was naturally much slower.Fortunately, after walking [-] kilometers on the plateau snow field, everyone finally came to the side of the road.This is also the closest road to the Wakhan Corridor.When Hao Zhanfeng and others came yesterday, they drove more than a dozen military trucks and parked them in the snow on both sides of the road, leaving a platoon of soldiers to guard them.

And there are only three military off-road vehicles, which were originally driven by cadres above the company level, but now they are used by Zhuo Yifan and others.

Hao Zhanfeng, Zhuo Yifan, Xie Dongting and Zhao Zhengyang were sitting on the same off-road vehicle.It was Zhao Zhengyang himself who proposed to ride in the same car with Zhuo Yifan.After all, following them would make Zhao Zhengyang feel more secure.Even if something dangerous happens, he doesn't need to worry too much.The remaining two off-road vehicles were requisitioned by eight masters of the Zhuo family.

Then the convoy left the border of the Wakhan Corridor and turned back towards the station of the Border Guard Regiment.This way, about three hours or so.

At this time, in Prince Long's villa in the capital, Prince Long himself was furious about what happened at the border yesterday.

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