super unscrupulous student

Chapter 498 Liu Meng Was Chased 3

"Meng'er! It's your first day at work today, how do you feel?" Shen Jiayi just walked out of the office, saw Liu Meng coming back with her teacup, she couldn't help asking with a smile.

"Very good, Manager Shen! By the way, my brother said he will be here soon!" Liu Meng also said with a smile.

Shen Jiayi knew that Zhuo Yifan had come to pick up Liu Meng from get off work, and it was almost time to get off work.

"Hmm! Is he here to pick you up from get off work? Your brother treats you very well! You are his nephew, but I see that you have something else to do with him?" Shen Jiayi still couldn't help but wonder.She has been holding back this question for a whole day, always afraid that asking it would be a bit abrupt, so she has never been ashamed to ask it.

"Manager Shen is still smart! My brother is still my boyfriend!" Liu Meng didn't know that Shen Jiayi, Shui Yunyao, and Zhuo Yifan would have anything to do with each other, so she said in her heart that there was nothing to hide, so she just said it .Liu Meng's impression of Shen Jiayi was quite good, so she was blunt.

Shen Jiayi showed such an expression as expected, but she couldn't help being angry for a while, and a strange feeling gradually spread!

In fact, Shen Jiayi already knew that there must be some relationship between Zhuo Yifan and Wang Yaner's daughters, and she has been complaining for Shui Yunyao and blaming Zhuo Yifan for being fickle.

But I don't know when she gradually accepted this setting!Whether there are some selfish thoughts in this, maybe only Shen Jiayi knows!

"Manager Shen, what's the matter with you?" Liu Meng asked curiously as Shen Jiayi looked absent-minded.

Shen Jiayi was interrupted by Liu Mengyi before she came back to her senses, and said with some concealment: "It's nothing, I'm thinking about something! It's time to get off work, and there's nothing else to do. If Yifan arrives, you can go back with him directly!"

Liu Meng didn't doubt that he was there, so she nodded when she heard the words, and said with a smile, "I see! Is Manager Shen off work too?"

Shen Jiayi smiled and said, "I will continue to read some documents in the office, and when I come out, I will inform you that you can get off work!"

Liu Meng was thoughtful, but Shen Jiayi had already returned to her office.

She felt that her head was a little messy, and she was trying not to think about the problems between Zhuo Yifan and herself.She always felt that she was slowly starting to pay attention to and cared about this boy, but she couldn't accept it in her heart.

The most important point is that Zhuo Yifan is the man Shui Yunyao likes, and she can't grow up with her as close as a sister's best friend to grab a man.

It was already five o'clock in the afternoon when Zhuo Yifan drove to the gate of Jianfeng Company!A large group of white-collar workers who had already left work came out of the company's gate one after another.Zhuo Yifan didn't get out of the car either, but just sat in the car and waited for Liu Meng to appear.

After waiting for a while, Zhuo Yifan suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Zhuo Yifan really suspected that he was dazzled, because he saw Liu Meng coming out of it, but he was accompanied by a rather handsome man!

Wearing a neat suit, he really has a little boyish temperament.

When Zhuo Yifan heard Liu Meng say that someone was pursuing her on the phone just now, he didn't pay much attention to it, but when he saw that little boy holding a large bouquet of roses in his hand and constantly offering courtesies next to Liu Meng, his heart felt The fire burst out immediately.

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