"What? Did Mr. Zhuo come here from downtown New York just to see the scenery?" Green asked noncommittally.

"What else? I'm more interested in the surrounding environment of downtown New York, so I came out to take a look. I don't think this will alarm your FBI, right?" Zhuo Yifan stared at Green and asked.

Green was very uncomfortable being stared at by Zhuo Yifan's slightly provocative eyes. After avoiding his eyes subconsciously, he asked, "Mr. Zhuo, I don't think there is any need to beat around the bush. Can you give me a clear answer?" s answer?"

"Answer? What answer? Inspector Green's words confuse me!" Zhuo Yifan asked inexplicably.

"Of course, what did you find in the parking lot of the department store? I think you came here just to see the scenery after you left there. If you think about it in another way, would you believe me?" Green disagreed. explained.

"It seems that Detective Green has doubts about me. But I can understand that this kidnapping case probably caused you a lot of headaches. If I have any clues, I will definitely notify you first." Zhuo Yifan Said with a smile.

"Did Mr. Zhuo find any new clues?" Green asked with a straight face.

"Well, since you really want to know, it's not impossible for me to tell you. It's just that I'm not sure about this clue, and you have to investigate it yourself!" Zhuo Yifan lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then explained helplessly road.

The angel on the side rolled his eyes, this guy's pretentiousness is not covered up.With this acting skill, he might as well go directly to Hollywood.

"Oh? If Mr. Zhuo can provide valuable clues, I will be very grateful!" Green nodded with a bright eye.

"This clue, it's in the parking lot. I left someone there to keep watching. It's one of the truck drivers. If Detective Inspector Green needs it, I can ask my people to provide you with clues." Zhuo Yi Fan explained with a smile.

Green heard the words and did not speak, but bowed his head for a moment, then raised his head and said: "Okay, Mr. Zhuo. Thank you for your cooperation, we will go to the parking lot. I just hope you will not deceive us!"

"Cooperate with the police and the people, of course I won't lie to you!" Zhuo Yifan promised with a smile.

When Doug heard this, he turned around with a group of men, returned to his car, started the car, and drove away.

Inside Doug's car, a small police officer asked in surprise: "Detective, do you believe that kid's words like this? What if he is trying to lure us away? I don't believe they came to New Rochelle so late It's for the scenery!"

"I don't believe it either. But if you stare at them now, can you solve the problem? They will neither speak nor act in front of us. All we can do is wait. Let the other brothers guard the entry and exit of Novaroche All the passages in Seoul, and send some people to the parking lot to find the driver Zhuo Yifan mentioned. Be quick!" Green ordered in a deep voice.

"Understood Inspector!" The police officer agreed, and immediately reported Green's order through the car radio.

"The actions of these guys are really fast! The FBI in the United States is much more efficient than our Chinese police!" Angel said lightly, looking at the backs of Green and the others leaving in the car.

"Actually, it's the same everywhere. In New York, not every policeman is a good bird. I think Green will definitely let people guard us. So after we find the kidnappers, we must end the battle in the shortest possible time." Zhuo Yifan said seriously reminded.

"Then what should we do now? We've circled around New Rochelle several times, but we haven't found any clues yet!" Angel asked with a frown.

"Isn't there still Zheng Dong?" Zhuo Yifan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a confident smile, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Zheng Dong's number.

"Young master Zhuo? Have you found the target?" After connecting the phone, Zheng Dong asked curiously.

"Not yet, I need you to do something now!" Zhuo Yifan ordered bluntly.

"Master Zhuo, please order!" Zheng Dong hurriedly agreed.

"How is that driver?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"Still in the parking lot, nothing abnormal can be seen, it seems that some cargo is being loaded and unloaded!" Zheng Dong opened his mouth to report.

"You control him right now, and remember to give him the time to inform him." Zhuo Yifan ordered directly.

"Let him tip off the news?" Zheng Dong asked with some surprise.

"That's right. Those people are already hiding. If we can't get them to move, we won't be able to find them for a while. Let the driver give them a tip-off and let them take action, so we can catch the target!" Zhuo Yi Van simply explained.

"I understand. Do you want to do it now?" Zheng Dong continued to ask.

"Yes, let's do it right away. The police will come soon, you have to control the driver before the police find him, and give him a chance to tip off the police!" Zhuo Yifan explained again.

"Then what should the police do if they want someone?" Zheng Dong asked hesitantly.

"Give them the people directly. Anyway, a driver is not worth much to us! Just remember not to conflict with the police. If anything happens, get out immediately and notify me in time!" Zhuo Yifan continued to warn.

"Understood Young Master Zhuo, then I'll work!" Zheng Dong agreed before hanging up the phone.

"Now call out the monitoring of the main traffic artery in New Rochelle, and keep an eye on all suspicious vehicles. Tell me as soon as you find it!" Zhuo Yifan turned to the angel and ordered.

The angel agreed, bowed her head and started her work.

Outside New Rochelle, the cars of Green and others were still parked on the side of the road.

"Inspector, our people have arrived at the parking lot, but there is no movement from Zhuo Yifan!" A small policeman reported the situation in front of Green.

"Are they still in their original positions?" Green asked suspiciously.

"Yes. It's at the position just now. After we left, we haven't moved again!" The little policeman nodded and said.

Green's face was full of suspicion, and he said in a deep voice: "Wait, wait until they move. Also, let the brothers on the other side of the parking lot move faster, and let me control those drivers immediately!"

"Understood!" The little police officer agreed, and then quickly conveyed Green's order.

Five minutes later, Zhuo Yifan who was sitting in the car suddenly changed his expression, and his cell phone rang again.As soon as I saw the call, it was Zheng Dong calling, and the call was connected immediately.

"Young Master Zhuo, it's done." Before Zhuo Yifan could speak, Zheng Dong said bluntly.

"Very good. Is there anything else?" Zhuo Yifan asked with satisfaction.

"No. The police just arrived. I released him after arresting him. I think he has enough time to report!" Zheng Dong explained with a smile.

"That's right. Didn't the police find you?" Zhuo Yifan also laughed.

"No. I'm on my way back to the hotel now!" Zheng Dong continued to explain.

"Okay, just wait for me when you get back to the hotel, I'll be back soon!" Zhuo Yifan said, and hung up the phone.

"There's movement!" At this moment, the angel's eyes staring at the computer screen suddenly lit up, and he shouted at Zhuo Yifan.

"Huh? Did they move?" Zhuo Yifan's spirit also lifted.

"That's the car. It's on the street north of New Rochelle. It's heading towards our main road. It looks like it's preparing to evacuate from the north!" Angel nodded and explained.

"Okay, keep an eye on him, let's catch up!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, started the car, raised the speed to the limit, and sped away toward the north.

On the other side, the little police officer hurriedly came to Green and reported: "Detective, they moved! Headed north!"

"Follow up quickly. Tell the brothers at the north intersection to set up roadblocks and prevent suspicious vehicles from escaping!" Green cheered up, and immediately got into the car after giving the order. After starting the car, he headed towards Chased in the direction north of New Rochelle.

"Those policemen are really lingering. I knew they wouldn't just leave!" Zhuo Yifan looked at the flickering lights of the siren behind him, and the sound of the siren from far to near, with a helpless smile on his face.

"Their movements will definitely be heard by the kidnappers. They probably already know that someone has discovered them!" Angel frowned worriedly.

"It's okay. We chased us, they chased theirs. Let's see who is faster!" Zhuo Yifan snorted disapprovingly, and the car had already arrived at the intersection where the angel had spotted the kidnapper's vehicle.

"Go straight ahead. They are still fleeing towards the north. But if you walk another ten kilometers, you will encounter a police team." Angel reminded.

"How far are we from them?" Zhuo Yifan asked, frowning.

"There are still about five kilometers!" Angel explained.

"That's enough!" Zhuo Yifan said, and he stepped up the accelerator, raising the speed to the highest.

After galloping for a few kilometers, the angel suddenly said: "The car turned around and was coming towards us. There was a group of police cars behind it! There were also a group of police cars behind us. There were also policemen outflanking us on the east and west sides. They and the kidnappers were surrounded by the police!"

"The actions of these police officers are really fast. No matter how many people there are, let's save people first!" Zhuo Yifan snorted coldly, then slammed on the brakes to slow down the speed of the car.He saw the kidnapper's car head-on, galloping towards him.

"They probably want to enter the downtown area. There are schools and shopping malls nearby, and there are many people. Maybe they know they are surrounded, so they are looking for favorable terrain and plan to confront the police!" Zhuo Yifan looked at the surrounding environment, made such a judgment.

"What are you going to do?" Angel asked, frowning.

"Don't worry. I'll get out of the car later, and you just stay passive in the car and just wait for me to come back!" Zhuo Yifan gave orders, and he disappeared in the driver's seat long ago, missing.

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