"Then how do you know that Dick must understand stocks? If he is also a layman, you are not looking for the wrong person?" Angel reminded with a frown.

"Did you forget where Dick was kidnapped yesterday?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"Securities Exchange!" Angel blurted out without thinking, and immediately understood: "So that's how it is."

"Not only that. I have read Dick's information. He is also the core management of the Morgan consortium, and he is in charge of the business of stock, futures and securities. So you should be right to find him!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile .

"But what if he doesn't help you? Are you so sure that he will help you solve the current crisis?" Angel asked disapprovingly.

"Isn't this going to talk to him? If you haven't decided on something, let's wait until it's confirmed! If it doesn't work, you can talk to Madam and Doreen!" Zhuo Yifan continued to explain.

The two waited in the office for half an hour before someone knocked on the door.Then Dick walked directly into the office.

"Mr. Zhuo, I'm sorry, I'm late and kept you waiting!" After seeing Zhuo Yifan, Dick stretched out his hand shyly and said.

"It's okay, I have nothing to do anyway." Zhuo Yifan shook hands with Dick and shook his head with a smile.

"The main reason is that people didn't go to bed until three or four in the morning last night, so I went to bed late in the morning!" When Dick explained, there was a hint of helplessness on his face.

"A person from the FBI?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a heartbeat.

"Not them, who else? After I returned to the villa yesterday, people from the FBI came to the door and asked how I was rescued." Dick explained with complaints.

"Then how did you answer them?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively.

"Of course I'm telling the truth. Anyway, I passed out at the time and didn't see anything. When I woke up, I was already at the hotel. But don't worry, I didn't reveal that you saved me, I just pretended that I didn't know anything. I don't know!" Dick was afraid that Zhuo Yifan would be worried, so he quickly explained.

"Then the FBI people believed you easily? They didn't make things difficult for you, did they?" Zhuo Yifan continued to ask.

Hearing this, Dick snorted disapprovingly and said, "Embarrass me? They don't have the guts yet. Being able to cooperate with their investigation is already giving them face. If they dare to do anything to me, they have to consider the consequences. We People from the Morgan consortium are not so easy to bully!"

"Speaking of what happened yesterday, I would like to ask you, what do you think the kidnappers' purpose in kidnapping you is? Do you have any guesses about the mastermind behind the scenes?" Zhuo Yifan suddenly remembered something, and the conversation started asked around.

"Well, I really can't say. But I think this matter has something to do with the Rockefeller gang! After I went back yesterday, I thoroughly checked all the bodyguards who were in charge of my security affairs that day, and found ten A few people are missing. It is obvious that there is an inner ghost. The person who can put people next to me without a sound, and who can do this in the United States is really counting on his fingers!" Dick was full of anger explained.

"Oh? So Mr. Dick suspects that someone from Rockefeller bought you and kidnapped you?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a heartbeat.

"At least so far, they are the most suspected. It's a pity that I haven't found any evidence yet!" Dick said through gritted teeth.

"What's the relationship between Dick and Wells?" Zhuo Yifan asked thoughtfully.

Dick couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and asked with a hint of surprise, "Mr. Zhuo is talking about Rockefeller's Wells?"

"That's right." Zhuo Yifan nodded and said.

"He and I are rivals, so what's the relationship? In private, he's been trying to trick me, but I've avoided it every time. Reciprocity, I haven't made him feel better!" Dick snorted disapprovingly. .

Zhuo Yifan burst out laughing when he heard the words, and said to himself that the young masters of these two big families are not fuel-efficient lamps, and it seems that they have been fighting openly and secretly for a long time!

"What is Mr. Zhuo laughing at?" Dick asked curiously.

"I'm laughing at Rockefeller's overestimation. He dared to go against us. Let me tell you some good news. You should be very happy to hear it!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Oh? Mr. Zhuo, please tell me!" Dick urged with his eyes bright.

"I ran into this Wells last night and had a fight. He brought a dozen people to besiege me! Instead, I taught him a lesson!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Good fight! This is really good news. This Wells should be taught a lesson! Otherwise, his arrogance will not be restrained!" Dick immediately clapped his hands and cheered up.

"Not only that. I also killed five of his masters, which is enough to hurt him for a while!" Zhuo Yifan laughed loudly.

"Oh? Five masters? Are they five B-level supernatural beings?" Dick asked with surprise on his face.

"No!" Zhuo Yifan smiled mysteriously, shook his head and explained slowly: "It's five A-level supernatural beings!"

"What?" Dick was completely stunned when he heard this.After a long time, I finally came to my senses: "My God, Mr. Zhuo, are you kidding me?"

"Of course I won't joke with you about this kind of thing. If you don't believe it, you can ask your aunt for verification. She knows the whole thing." Zhuo Yifan explained seriously.

"Great! Five A-level abilities! Although I don't know how you did it, such a big loss will definitely drive Wells crazy. Mr. Zhuo, thank you so much. You really made a big fuss for me! I really want to stand in front of Wells now and see how ugly his stinky face is, exactly?" Hearing this, Dick also laughed loudly.

"But because of this incident, I also have a headache now!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled, and then smiled helplessly.

"Oh? Why does Mr. Zhuo have a headache?" Hearing this, Dick asked suspiciously.

"My Patriarch, I wonder if you have heard of it?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"Mr. Zhuo's place must be the Zhuo family. I have heard about it. The Tianyao Group in New York should be the property of your Zhuo family. The president and general manager are both named Zhuo. If I guess correctly, they should be with Mr. Zhuo. Is it all related?" Dick asked ponderingly.

"That's right! Tianyao Group is the property of our Zhuo family." Zhuo Yifan nodded.

"No wonder my aunt has been asking me to care about the stock market situation of Tianyao Group. She said that if there is a problem, I will notify her in time and help Tianyao Group when necessary. It turns out that they are all my own people!" Dick suddenly nodded. Said.

Zhuo Yifan couldn't help but feel his heart move when he heard this.It turned out that Mrs. Stephen had already foreseen these situations and made corresponding arrangements.This moved him very much.

"To be honest, I am the heir of the Zhuo family. I am the largest shareholder of Tianyao Group, including the legal representative! But I do not have any position in Tianyao Group, so the outside world does not know the relationship between me and Tianyao Group. relationship!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and explained.

"I heard from my aunt that the Zhuo family is the top big family in China. Tianyao Group is also a large international group with businesses in all continents. I didn't expect that Mr. Zhuo would be the heir of the Zhuo family. Then Tianyao Group is Mr. Zhuo's, that's not an exaggeration!" Hearing this, Dick looked at Zhuo Yifan with a trace of surprise and said.

"You can put it this way. But right now, I have encountered a problem, and I hope you can help me out!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, but explained with a hint of helplessness on his face.

"Oh? Mr. Zhuo saved my life, he is my savior. If there is anything you need me to do, just ask. And I think my aunt and cousin Doreen should also support you!" Dick thought Without thinking, he nodded in agreement.

"That's right. Yesterday afternoon, Doreen and I just arrived in New York..." Zhuo Yifan immediately explained to Dick what happened yesterday.The focus is on Doug and Wells.

"They have suffered a huge loss, and they will definitely not let it go. The recent stock market decline of our Tianyao Group is also caused by Rockefeller behind the scenes. If they become angry, they will cause us to suffer great losses in the stock market." Only then did Zhuo Yifan tell the reason for his headache.

"Rockefeller again? These guys are really restless." Dick snorted angrily, and then said bluntly: "If Mr. Zhuo believes me, then this matter will be covered by me. I'll go right away Discuss with your aunt, as long as she agrees, I will help your Tianyao Group in all aspects! And I am confident that I can let Rockefeller steal chickens without losing money, and this time I will make another big fall!"

"Oh? Are you really sure?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a bright eye.

"Of course. Although it's a bit bragging to say this from my own mouth, I think Mr. Zhuo should give me enough trust. I haven't met many opponents in the financial market in New York. I am mainly in charge of the Morgan consortium's financial securities trading, and I don't think I will lose to anyone in the stock market! If everything goes well, we can catch Rockefeller by surprise." Dick explained confidently.

Regarding Dick's self-recommendation, although Zhuo Yifan didn't fully believe it, he also believed it eighty percent.After all, since Dick was able to master the financial and securities business of the Morgan Group at a young age, it can be seen that his attainments in this area are indeed not comparable to ordinary people!

"That's good. Since I have your help, I don't think I need to continue to worry about this matter. We will discuss it with my wife in a while, and then make a practical plan. After the party is over in the afternoon, I will bring You and Doreen go to visit my fourth uncle. He is the president of Tianyao Group in the United States, and then we will implement the entire cooperation plan!" Zhuo Yifan immediately made a decision.

"No problem! On my side, as long as my aunt agrees to Mr. Zhuo's request, I will do my best! Even if my aunt disagrees, I will do my best. But I think the relationship between Mr. Zhuo and Cousin Doreen, Aunt will definitely help with this!" Dick said with a smile and nodded.

"Then I'll leave it to you this time!" Zhuo Yifan said gratefully.

"They're all on my own, so why be polite? Besides, cousin Doreen is about to take over the business of the consortium. When the time comes, she will replace my aunt and become the helm of Morgan's new generation. You are her fiancé. With the Morgan consortium and your huge Zhuo family With the basic background, I don’t think we need to be afraid of threats and pressure from any aspect!” Dick nodded and analyzed confidently.

"I hope so!" Zhuo Yifan nodded noncommittally.That's only one aspect of Dick's analysis.It is based on the non-existence of the Long family.To know the strength of the Long family, Zhuo Yifan couldn't guess.It is a joke to say that you are not afraid of any threats and pressure!

"Does Mr. Zhuo know where Auntie and Cousin Doreen have gone?" Dick asked at this time.

"I'm still not sure about this. According to Madam, she took Doreen to familiarize herself with the banking business first." Zhuo Yifan shook his head and explained.

"Then I'll wait for them here. Anyway, there's nothing else to do, so I can chat with Mr. Zhuo!" Dick said, nodding his head in no hurry.

Then the two chatted openly.Dick is most concerned about Zhuo Yifan's identity and his strength.Naturally, there is some insinuation about this, hoping to find out more facts.Zhuo Yifan didn't intend to hide it from him, after all, he was Doreen's cousin, and she was also supported by Doreen.It's half my own.

Zhuo Yifan asked about some fights between Dick and Wells.Thus also learned about the relationship between the Morgan consortium and the Rockefeller consortium.

The two chatted for more than half an hour, and the door of the office was opened again.Stephen and Doreen came in from the outside.

"Aunt, Cousin Doreen, you are back!" Seeing this, Dick quickly stood up from the sofa, and greeted Stephen and Doreen.

"Cousin Dick!" Doreen also nodded at Dick.

"Dick, did you have a good chat with Xiaofan? What are you talking about?" Stephen asked curiously.

"Auntie, I was just talking to Mr. Zhuo about what happened yesterday. And some troubles Mr. Zhuo is facing. I hope that the Morgan consortium can implement some financial support policies for Tianyao Group, so that Tianyao Group can operate in the future. The stock market can recover in a short period of time!" Dick threw out his point of view straightforwardly.In his opinion, although Zhuo Yifan currently relies on their help, the entire Zhuo family is strong and he is definitely a reliable partner.Businessmen, to put it bluntly, always put interests first.Dick also valued the foreseeable benefits after long-term cooperation with Zhuo Yifan, so he was so persistent in providing Zhuo Yifan with a series of help.

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