super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5006 Warning 3

"Then I'll go down first, auntie, hurry up!" Carter promised with a smile, and finally glanced at Zhuo Yifan again, then turned and left the banquet hall.

"Mom, why did uncle come to do this?" Doreen asked at this time.Judging by her expression, there seemed to be a trace of worry.

Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat.This uncle should be Stephen's elder brother Raul.This is one of the key people who was marked out in the list he saw that day.Doreen wants to accept Stephen's position, and Raul is also a problem that must be solved.

"I don't know yet. I have to go down to see your uncle first. Excuse me!" Stephen shook his head, explained to the crowd helplessly, then turned and walked out of the banquet hall.

"You uncle, you are not a fuel-efficient lamp!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled thoughtfully.

"I don't know how to say it. But my uncle is Anna's father." Doreen explained helplessly.

"Oh? Anna is actually your uncle's daughter?" Zhuo Yifan suddenly raised his eyebrows in surprise.This was something he hadn't expected.Seeing that the relationship between Anna and Doreen is like sisters, I didn't expect Anna's father to be my opponent.For Doreen, this should be a difficult problem to solve.

"Yeah! So on the issue of my uncle, my mother and I are in a dilemma. The main reason is to consider Anna's factors. If the quarrel is too rigid, I am worried that it will affect the sisterhood between me and her!" Lin explained somewhat depressedly.

"I hope that your uncle will not make it difficult for his daughter!" Zhuo Yifan also sighed helplessly.

As soon as Stephen left, he didn't come back for more than an hour.The luncheon also came to an end around two o'clock.At the end of the show, only Doreen and Zhuo Yifan were left.

"Why has my aunt been gone for so long? Could it be that uncle is embarrassing her again?" Allens frowned and reminded with some concern.

"When did he come? Why didn't you tell me?" Anna asked angrily.

"I think they should have important things to talk about. Let's not bother them!" Doreen explained at this time.

"Hmph! I don't know what he's thinking? Is there any important thing to talk about at this time? He knows that there is a banquet at noon today, and he deliberately came to make trouble. You know what the purpose is! How could I There is such a father?" Anna snorted angrily.

"Anna, you can't say that about uncle. He is your father after all!" Doreen reminded with a straight face.

"After my mother left, I no longer think of him as my father. With such a father, there is no more than one more, and no less than one less! Is there any difference between yes and no?" Anna asked disapprovingly.

Doreen still wanted to speak, but Stephen had already walked in with two bodyguards.Only then did the crowd stop talking, and rushed forward to meet them.

"Auntie, what did he come to talk to you about?" The him in Anna's mouth naturally refers to her father Raul.

"This is not something you should be concerned about. The banquet is over, and today's business ends here. Aarons, send Anna back if you go well!" Stephen told Aarons at this time.

"Good aunt!" Allen Si quickly agreed, and then persuaded Anna: "I'd better send you back to the company as soon as possible!"

"No need, I'll go back by myself!" Anna shook her head, then turned to look at Zhuo Yifan and said, "Don't forget what we agreed. I'll go find you and Cousin Doreen when I'm free!"

"Welcome anytime!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Then I'll be leaving first, goodbye!" Then Anna bid farewell to everyone, then turned and left alone.

"I'd better go see him off, lest she quarrel with her uncle again!" Alans nodded to the crowd helplessly, and then ran out after Anna.

"The relationship between the father and daughter is really not very good!" Zhuo Yifan said with a wry smile.

"Maybe we will encounter a lot of trouble tomorrow!" Stephen said with a gloomy expression at this time.

"Mom, what exactly did uncle tell you? Now that Anna is not here, you can tell me directly." Doreen asked with a worried face, frowning.

"Your uncle came to me again to talk about your affairs. He threatened me that if he insisted on asking you to take my place tomorrow, he would be rude to us. And he would lead a large group of people to publicly oppose your coming to pick me up. Bit!" "Stephen explained with some helplessness.

"Is this a warning?" Zhuo Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

"Probably. But I won't give up like this. No matter what happens tomorrow, we have to find a way to survive it, and ensure that Doreen can successfully become the CEO of the consortium in four days." Stephen explained with a firm face.

At this moment, Carter, with a sneer on his face, appeared in the sight of everyone again.This time, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, and they were not friendly.But obviously, this Uncle Carter didn't take it seriously.

"Carter, didn't you leave with your uncle? Why did you come back?" Stephen asked impatiently, frowning.

"I'm here to find Mr. Zhuo!" Carter explained, and immediately stood in front of Zhuo Yifan.

"Looking for me?" Zhuo Yifan raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he was even more curious in his heart that this guy was looking for him, what could be the matter?

"Is there anything you want from him?" Stephen asked.

"I want to talk to this Mr. Zhuo alone, it will take a few minutes, not too long. I think you should agree?" Carter asked everyone with a smile.

"You have to ask him what he means. As long as he has no objection, I will naturally not say anything!" Stephen explained.

"Because you are cousin Doreen, I can give you a few minutes. Where shall we talk?" Zhuo Yifan nodded calmly and agreed.

"It's in the parking lot downstairs. Shall we go down now?" Carter explained and asked.

"Then let's go!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

"Xiaofan..." Doreen was obviously a little apprehensive. Just as she was about to speak, Zhuo Yifan turned her head and said to her with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm just going down to chat with him. I'll be up soon Yes, wait for me here!"

Immediately, Zhuo Yifan followed Carter and walked out of the banquet hall.

Take the elevator all the way downstairs, and after entering the parking lot, Carter led Zhuo Yifan into a corner on one side.

"Where are you going to take me?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"You'll know when you go, it's right in front!" Carter explained with a chuckle.

Zhuo Yifan's heart skipped a beat.Because he sensed the breath of several supernatural beings in front of him.Among the parked cars, there are other people!

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