super unscrupulous student

5091 - Raul planted 4

"Don't...don't kill me!" The other young man was trembling and struggling to speak.Zhuo Yifan's fierce attack before made it impossible for them to parry, and the painful feeling was still spreading in the body at the moment, and it had not diminished by a single point. Facing Zhuo Yifan, they no longer had the slightest thought of resisting.

"Very good!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in satisfaction, and then promised: "Don't worry, I won't kill you. I know you must be feeling uncomfortable now, but you will always be punished if you do something wrong. This pain is not enough It is fatal, but it can also make you unable to move for a day. Maybe this time tomorrow, this feeling will be relieved, I hope you can remember this lesson!"

"Definitely...definitely!" The two youths nodded hurriedly in agreement.

Satisfied, Zhuo Yifan got out of the car, with a confident smile on his face again, nodded to Roscoe, and walked directly into the villa.I also happened to see the scene where Mike Weir and Raul confronted each other. It seemed that the two sides were about to fight!

"Okay, Mr. Mikewell, I don't think it's very important whether Mr. Lauer goes back with you for investigation!" Zhuo Yifan sneered at this time and broke the tense atmosphere of the scene.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and all looked at Zhuo Yifan in unison.Especially Mike Weir, he couldn't figure out why Zhuo Yifan said that.This is tantamount to demolishing his platform, what is the plot?

Raul squinted his eyes, staring at Zhuo Yifan with an uncertain expression, thinking about Zhuo Yifan's purpose.

"Mr. Zhuo, don't you intend to find out the mastermind behind the assassination for your fiancée?" McWire asked in surprise.

"No need!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, and then said with certainty: "Because I already know who it is!"

"Huh? Mr. Zhuo, I don't quite understand what you mean! Since you know who that person is, please tell me directly!" McWire urged with a hint of surprise on his face.

A trace of suspicion flashed in Raul's eyes, but his complexion became even uglier.Did Zhuo Yifan really pry open the mouths of those people?

"I think everyone here should want to know the answer. But I think Mr. Raul should also know who this person is!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled confidently.

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Raul turned his head with an ugly face and snorted coldly.

"Really? But that's not what your subordinates told me!" Zhuo Yifan chuckled noncommittally.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was boiling.Could it be that those who tried to hurt Doreen were really Raul's subordinates?Uncle wants to do something to his own niece?From the perspective of the Morgan family, this is definitely the biggest family scandal.If it is confirmed to be true, it will become the most sensational big news event in the United States!

"What did you say? My subordinates? I don't know them at all. What they said is not credible. Could it be that they said it was you, and the person behind the scenes became you?" Raul's face turned Ugly and stubborn.

"Mr. Raul, I think you know better than anyone else whether they are your subordinates. As for how to deal with this matter, I have no say. I'd like to ask Mrs. Stephen to follow Mrs. McVill." Go!" Zhuo Yifan nodded with a smile.

Raul's face turned ashen for a while, but he had some scruples in his heart, and he didn't dare to attack at all.Especially Zhuo Yifan's terrifying combat power made him quite scrupulous.

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