super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5123 Start investigation 3

"Then does he have any instructions?" Zhuo Yifan continued to ask, "How is he going to deal with this matter?"

"How else to deal with it? The first thing is to keep it secret, and we don't have a clue yet. We just learned about this incident, and we don't have any other clues. How can we deal with it?" Xie Dongting asked helplessly.

"I don't think you need to worry too much about this. I just got some information about nuclear warheads. Maybe it may not be possible to find it!" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

"Really? Where did you get the information? Is it accurate?" Xie Dongting was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked excitedly.

"Of course, if I'm not sure, I won't tell you. As for the source of the intelligence, it was given to me by the director of the US National Security Agency, Mike Will. I don't think he will fool me. I can't tell you the specifics. You explain, after the angel confirms the information, it will be sent to you directly!" Zhuo Yifan said bluntly.

"Is the network transmission safe?" Xie Dongting reminded with some concerns.

"You should believe in Angel's strength! I think she should be able to handle such a small matter!" Zhuo Yifan said confidently.

Hearing the words, the angel on the side raised his head and made a face at Zhuo Yifan, then continued to check the information.

"Well, what we lack most now is information. If we have accurate information, it shouldn't be a problem to find out the whereabouts of this nuclear warhead!" Xie Dongting's voice was visibly cheered up.It can be seen that Zhuo Yifan's news has changed his mentality a lot.

"Then just wait, it will be sent to your mailbox later!" Zhuo Yifan said directly.

"Okay, I'll check my mailbox later. How are things going with you in the United States?" Xie Dongting agreed, then changed the subject and asked.

"It's going well so far. I can leave if I can handle things well in the past few days!" Zhuo Yifan explained lightly.

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back. Don't forget about the family affairs!" Xie Dongting reminded.

"Understood, let's do this first, goodbye!" Zhuo Yifan finished speaking with Xie Dongting, turned to look at the angel and asked, "How is it? Is this information accurate?"

"I selected some to check, and there shouldn't be any problem. And it's impossible to falsify this kind of information." Angel nodded with certainty.

"Okay, then you can send it directly to my brother-in-law." Zhuo Yifan nodded and ordered.

"It has already been sent. But what we need urgently should be the logistics information of this nuclear warhead, not the detailed information of this nuclear warhead! In fact, there are not many things worth using in this information. If we want to find the nuclear warhead, we have to find it from Check the source!" the angel reminded helplessly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhuo Yifan frowned unconsciously when he heard the words.

"To put it simply. This information shows the location where the nuclear warhead was stolen, the base of the troops it belongs to, and there are some traces of circulation in the United States, but this is just the beginning. After leaving the Americas, the nuclear warhead entered Asia. However, the specific The route is still unclear. In other words, we only have a beginning, and we need to find out the tail bit by bit!" Angel explained helplessly.

"The beginning? That's enough. Then start the investigation from the United States, and we must find out the location of this nuclear warhead!" Zhuo Yifan pondered for a moment, then nodded and said.

"Are you going to investigate it yourself? Do you have the time?" the angel asked in surprise.

"I don't, but it doesn't mean others don't." Zhuo Yifan said with a sneer.

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