super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5153 This guy is a goblin 1

"What are you talking about?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively.

"It's nothing, we're talking about Doreen's succession as CEO. There will definitely be a lot of problems at that time. And they all have to be solved. Of course you won't understand it, so I explained it to you. It's useless. Anna and I will help Doreen get it done!" the angel said lightly, without saving Zhuo Yifan's face at all.

The fact is the same, Zhuo Yifan really doesn't know anything about business matters, let alone manage Ruoda's consortium.It is estimated that only Angel and Anna can give Doreen advice on this issue!

But Zhuo Yifan came back, and the topic of the three women stopped immediately, and they didn't talk about work-related matters, but all focused on Zhuo Yifan.

"Why are you looking at me like this? Could it be that my face has flowers?" Zhuo Yifan was puzzled by the stares of the three women, and subconsciously touched his handsome face.

"Yeah, we're almost fainted by handsome Zhuo Da!" Angel rolled his eyes when he heard this.

"Do I have such a great charm?" Zhuo Yifan shook his head dumbfounded when he heard this.

"You've been away for so long, have the matter been resolved? Wells probably set up a trap and waited for you to jump?" the angel stared at Zhuo Yifan for a long time, and then asked worriedly.Although she looked indifferent, Zhuo Yifan knew that the girl was nervous about herself.It is estimated that when he fought against Wells and his gang last time, Angel was already frightened by the injury on his back.

"It's definitely a trap, but someone specially helped us jump out of the trap. Maybe this person, you can't think of his identity even if you think about it!" Zhuo Yifan explained with a smile.

"Is someone helping you? Who is it?" The angel asked suspiciously when he heard the words.

"Prince Long! His subordinates turned to us at a critical moment, and even sent us out in person! Do you think this is strange enough?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a straight face.

"Prince Dragon? Why did he help you? He should wish Wells could kill you, right?" The angel widened his eyes in surprise when he heard this.

Doreen and Anna on the side also looked puzzled.If Zhuo Yifan didn't say this, they would all doubt whether the news was true or not!

"I also thought it was weird at first. But then I figured it out." Zhuo Yifan nodded and smiled lightly.

"Then explain it to me!" the angel snorted disapprovingly.

"It's actually very simple. Wells made very careful arrangements today. There are more than a dozen masters, and their strength is much higher than the ten they met before. And there are two peak masters from the Long family to help. Then Do you think they are sure they can kill me?" Zhuo Yifan asked back with a smile.

"That's only clear in their hearts." Angel rolled his eyes and said.

"I, Zhuo Ran, and eight of Zheng Dong and the others make a total of ten people. Although the number of people is much smaller than the other party, it is not a problem at all to break through and leave. It is even possible to make them pay for it! It is not a big problem for me that the masters of the Long family participated in Wells' plan. Even if it is difficult to deal with them, it will make them suffer a lot." Zhuo Yifan explained with a chuckle.

"What do you mean by that, no matter what the Long family's attitude is, even if they don't change their mind to let you go, you still have a way to go, or even ruin their business?" Angel asked with raised eyebrows.

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