super unscrupulous student

Chapter 521 Shui Yunyao's Goodbye Kiss 6

"Welcome! What do you guys want?" A very quiet girl, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses and overalls, came to Zhuo Yifan who had just sat down by the window.

"One serving of milk, sandwiches and fried eggs!" Shui Yunyao said to the waiter with a smile.

"I want a cup of coffee!" Zhuo Yifan also said.

Shui Yunyao looked at Zhuo Yifan in surprise and asked, "Do you just drink coffee?"

Zhuo Yifan then smiled and said, "I already ate at home when I went out! I just drink coffee!"

In less than 3 minutes, the things ordered by the two people were delivered by the waiter.

Shui Yunyao ate very slowly, as if she was afraid of the pain of biting the omelet, which was like a sandwich, chewing bite by bite, eating like a lady, very ladylike.Zhuo Yifan watched quietly with a faint smile on his face.

"How is it? Is the food here delicious?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"Hmm! It's not bad! It's just not as good as the beef noodles you invited me to eat!" Shui Yunyao also replied with a smile, but she casually expressed her thoughts.Perhaps the only two experiences of eating beef noodles with Zhuo Yifan, Shui Yunyao will never forget.

Zhuo Yifan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, he couldn't tell whether he was moved or distressed.This girl still thinks about herself!But why do you have to force yourself so hard to be with someone you don't like?

Sensing Zhuo Yifan's strangeness, Shui Yunyao also felt that the atmosphere was a bit weird, so she quickly pointed to an advertising calendar in the distance and said, "There's Haagen-Dazs here! I want to eat it!"

Zhuo Yifan looked at Shui Yunyao's cute child, couldn't help grinning, and quickly called the waiter next to him and said, "Give us another Haagen-Dazs ice cream!"

"Eating ice cream so early in the morning, aren't you afraid of stomach discomfort?" Zhuo Yifan asked worriedly.

Shui Yunyao blinked her smart eyes and said mischievously, "I'll just take two bites, and you have to take care of the rest!"

Zhuo Yifan immediately smiled.

When the ice cream was served, Shui Yunyao took a small spoon and poured it into her mouth one by one.After eating two spoons, he looked at Zhuo Yifan again, and passed the spoon in his hand to Zhuo Yifan's mouth.

Zhuo Yifan was surprised, but also happy and moved at the same time.Unexpectedly, Shui Yunyao would eat with the same spoon like a couple with him!The excited Zhuo Yifan slowly opened his mouth.

Shui Yunyao fed the ice cream into Zhuo Yifan's mouth with a smile. Seeing the happy smile on Zhuo Yifan's face, Shui Yunyao felt distressed for a while.

Some diners sitting next to them in twos and threes looked at the happy two people but were extremely envious, and they cast blessing eyes from time to time.At least at this moment, Zhuo Yifan and Shui Yunyao are happy!

Zhuo Yifan smirked dumbly, but Shui Yunyao rolled her eyes angrily, then burst out laughing again, pulled out a napkin beside her and wiped the corners of Zhuo Yifan's mouth with her small hands, it was funny He said, "Your mouth is covered with ice cream, and you're still giggling!"

Feeling the inadvertent touch of Shui Yunyao's fingers, Zhuo Yifan's heart beat violently.Zhuo Yifan, who was a little excited, grabbed Shui Yunyao's little hand.

Shui Yunyao was taken aback by Zhuo Yifan's sudden action, and looked at Zhuo Yifan in surprise, not understanding what he wanted to do.

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