super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5302 The Scapegoat 5

"You misunderstood me. I didn't say who you offended. It's just that we all want you to do me a favor. I wonder if Brother Hao is willing to help us?" Lai Languang smiled harmlessly .

"Help? This is not just a matter of your words, Director Lai? Tell me, what do you want me to do? No matter whether it is going up the mountain of swords or down into the sea of ​​fire, I, Hao Jian, will never frown!" He patted his chest firmly and promised.

"Brother Hao's words are serious. In fact, I didn't send you to the mountain of swords, and I never thought of sending you to the sea of ​​fire. I just want to invite you to a place!" Lai Languang stood up and came to Hao Jian's place Stepping up to him, he patted his shoulder and explained with a smile.

"To a place? Where?" Hao Jian asked, frowning.A vigilance secretly rose in his heart.Lai Languang's performance tonight is completely different from the past.This made him unable to react for a while.

"Of course it's...hell!" Lai Languang said the last two words very softly, as if they were spit out from between his teeth, but they were extraordinarily cold, as if they came from Shura Hell.

Hao Jian's eyes widened suddenly, but at this moment, he had no chance to react.Because there is already a blood hole in his chest where the heart is.In Lai Languang's hand, he didn't know when a pistol with a silencer was added, and the muzzle was still emitting a little blue smoke.

"Why...why..." Hao Jian looked at the blood hole in his chest in disbelief, then raised his head, stared at Lai Languang unwillingly and asked.

"It's better if you don't know, just treat it as my brother and I'm sorry for you. I will take care of your wife and children for you, go at ease!" Lai Languang shook his head helplessly.

Hao Jian didn't understand until his death why Lai Languang, who took good care of him on weekdays, would suddenly kill him.He just sat on the chair like this, and he couldn't rest in peace until he died.

"Come in!" Lai Languang immediately shouted into the bedroom.

Soon, several young people came out from inside. Of course, one of them had his mouth gagged, and Zhao Li, who had already been tied into a rice dumpling, was under control.

"Treat the scene well, make it clean, and don't leave any flaws." Lai Languang stared at Zhao Li for a moment, and then gave orders to his subordinates.

The young men did not speak, but started to work in the villa after Lai Languang left.

Lai Languang walked out of the villa, and did not let out a long sigh of relief until he got into his car: "Hao Jian, Hao Jian, don't blame my brother for being cruel. I was also forced to do nothing!"

As the car started, Lai Languang immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Director Lai? The matter is settled?" Jiang Xiaowen's voice came from the phone.

"Well, Hao Jian is already dead. There was also a mistress of his at the scene. I have already had someone disguise the scene where he committed suicide in fear of crime. I will personally take over the case." Lai Languang reported bluntly.

"Very well, Director Lai is doing things, I am very relieved. You don't have to worry about Secretary Chen, I will take care of it. As long as you do things beautifully and don't let people catch you, then no one can touch you, understand? ?” Jiang Xiaowen reminded old-fashionedly.

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