super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5305 Deployment 3

"No problem. But if you drive out from my place with [-] people, you probably won't be able to hide from some people's eyes and ears. You have to be prepared for this!" Commander Hu nodded in agreement, and then he did not forget to remind road.

"Well, I understand what to do, Commander Hu, please rest assured!" Zhuo Yifan nodded in agreement.

While talking, a military plane had already parked on the runway not far from where Zhuo Yifan was.Soon, twenty members of the Zhuo family who came from the capital, led by an innate mid-term master named Cheng Feng, all gathered in front of Zhuo Yifan, waiting excitedly for Zhuo Yifan's order.

Cheng Feng and the others are naturally no strangers to Zhuo Yifan, a miraculous man.This man is their young master, and he is a mythical existence in the Zhuo family.It is also the benchmark that all of them are difficult to surpass but are constantly catching up with.

"Did my brother-in-law explain anything when you came here?" Zhuo Yifan asked Cheng Feng and the others.

"Young master told us to obey the young master's orders. We will do whatever you tell us to do!" Cheng Feng replied loudly.

"Very good. Tonight we have a special mission, and then everything will be under my command. Now everyone get in the car and bring me all the military equipment issued to you. I hope you can keep a low profile for the next battle , but it must be won by surprise!" Zhuo Yifan ordered in a deep voice.

"Understood, young master!" Cheng Feng agreed, and then gave orders to his soldiers.A group of 20 people quickly boarded the military vehicle prepared for them by Commander Hu, ready to set off.

"Young master, everyone is in the car, is there anything else to explain?" Cheng Feng asked Zhuo Yifan at this time.

"This is the military map prepared by Commander Hu for you, as well as the road conditions of the whole island. You first rush to Wenchang City, and then divide into four teams, disperse and lurk, and wait for my orders at any time. This is my mobile phone number. After all this, you call me!" Zhuo Yifan handed his business card to Cheng Feng, and ordered in a deep voice.

"Understood!" Cheng Feng agreed, and after taking Zhuo Yifan's business card, he got into the car directly.Then, together with Cheng Feng and all the masters of the Zhuo Family, they left the military airport in the Sanya Garrison District by car.

"I'm bothering Commander Hu tonight, so we won't be staying soon. Next time I have time, I'll definitely come to thank you!" Zhuo Yifan said a few more polite words to Commander Hu, then got into the car with Song Yingjie, and left directly Garrison area.

At two o'clock in the morning, Zhuo Yifan and Song Yingjie's car was parked beside the road at the exit of the expressway from Wenchang City to the provincial capital.Cheng Feng's call has already been made, and a group of 20 people has been divided into five teams according to Zhuo Yifan's instructions, and they have been lurking in four directions of the city.With the qualities of these experts from the Zhuo family, Zhuo Yifan naturally wouldn't worry that they would be discovered by the eyeliners of the Chen family.

"The net has been cast, and now we are waiting to catch the fish!" After Zhuo Yifan finished the call, a sneer appeared on his face, and he was relieved a lot after the preparations were done.

"I'm worried, our fish has already been eaten!" Song Yingjie reminded loudly.Zhuo Yifan forced Secretary Lang to accompany them to Wenchang tomorrow, which obviously meant not giving them any time to react.So tonight is their last chance.This group of people will definitely take advantage of this time to wipe out all the evidence, or find a scapegoat and take the whole thing down! ! ! !

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