super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5319 Evidence 3

"Young master, what instructions do you have?" Cheng Feng asked excitedly when he received a call from Zhuo Yifan.

"Now there should be ten brothers in Wenchang City including you, right?" Zhuo Yifan asked.

"That's right. The remaining ten people have already gone to the provincial capital according to your instructions!" Cheng Feng explained.

"Very good. I have a task for you. You need to complete it alone. You settle these nine brothers, and then let them contact me directly. I will send the task to your mobile phone by text message later." Zhuo Yifan ordered straightforwardly.

"No problem young master, I'll arrange it right away!" Cheng Feng agreed, then hung up the phone.

"We're here!" Deputy Director Lai put his foot on the brakes and explained.At this time, the car had already driven into a community and stopped at the gate of a villa.

"Deputy Director Lai's income these years seems to be very good! This villa has been lived in!" Zhuo Yifan looked at the villa outside, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhuo, don't make fun of me. Should we go in together, or should I go in and get it?" Deputy Director Lai gave a wry smile, and then asked.

"Just go in. Director Jiang and I will wait for you outside. Come back quickly and explain to your wife! I think you need to explain to them too!" Zhuo Yifan said flatly.

"Thank you!" Deputy Director Lai nodded in agreement, then opened the door and got out of the car.This sentence of thanks comes from the heart.Zhuo Yifan was right.He knew that he couldn't escape this time, and he really wanted to explain to his family.Although he is not a competent parent officer, he should at least be a competent husband and father!

"I don't think Director Jiang's family is short of such things, right?" Zhuo Yifan turned to look at Jiang Xiaowen while Deputy Director Lai was gone.

Jiang Xiaowen was taken aback for a moment, and then his face turned ugly.He didn't expect Zhuo Yifan to mention this.Speaking of the history of Secretary Chen's fortune, he deliberately avoided these sensitive issues, but he did a lot of shady things with Secretary Chen!Similarly, Jiang Xiaowen also has such evidence, which is beyond doubt.After all, in officialdom, one must be prepared to be abandoned at any time.Even if you are not greedy, as long as someone wants you to die, you will still have a day to play.How could Jiang Xiaowen guarantee that Secretary Chen would not abandon himself at the critical moment?

"No! There is no need for these things to exist between Secretary Chen and me!" Jiang Xiaowen flatly denied.

"It seems that the relationship between Director Jiang and Secretary Chen is very good! You all trust each other!" Zhuo Yifan laughed disapprovingly.

"Of course!" Jiang Xiaowen nodded of course.

"I just don't know, does your Secretary Chen think so too?" Zhuo Yifan said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaowen's face suddenly changed, and he asked unnaturally: "What do you mean by that?"

"Don't be nervous. Director Jiang doesn't seem to know the situation until now! Are you still expecting that as long as Secretary Chen doesn't fall, no one can touch you?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about?" Jiang Xiaowen turned his head a little guilty, not wanting to discuss this issue with Zhuo Yifan.

"You'll know soon!" Zhuo Yifan didn't care, just patted Jiang Xiaowen's shoulder indifferently and said.

Within 10 minutes, Deputy Director Lai walked out of the villa.Of course, Zhuo Yifan was not worried that Deputy Director Lai would run away.Under his nose, he still doesn't believe that anyone can escape!

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