super unscrupulous student

Chapter 5477 Wolves 5

Zhuo Yifan barely supported himself, turned his head and looked around, and found that he was lying in a white space.Except for the white jade-like ground below him, the surroundings seemed to be completely enveloped by white clouds.Compared with the dense fog, the visibility is much clearer, but it can't be seen too far.And the area in the distance is also a piece of white mist, which is not the slightest difference from here!

"What is this place?" Zhuo Yifan rubbed his drowsy head and asked to himself.

"Woo!" The dragon blood beast jumped up and down in front of Zhuo Yifan, and after successfully attracting Zhuo Yifan's attention, it jumped directly to the right hand of Zhuo Yifan wearing the storage ring. He licked the ring with his tongue.

Zhuo Yifan's heart moved, did the little guy ask him to take something out of the ring?

With a thought in Zhuo Yifan's mind, the sacred stone slowly seemed to be in the ring.When he put the divine stone on top of those pots and jars of pills, a sudden light flashed in his heart.Is the little guy reminding me that I need to find a healing elixir here?But then there is another problem, I don't know the words on these bottles!

Zhuo Yifan, who had a headache, could only take out all the small bottles inside with his mind one by one, and piled the bottles in front of the little guy.Since it seems to be very proficient, let it choose it!

As expected, the little guy did not disappoint him. Finally, when he saw Zhuo Yifan take out a beautiful medicine bottle, he jumped up and took a bite of the small medicine bottle.

"Is this the one? Does it help my current injury?" Zhuo Yifan asked with a heartbeat.

The dragon blood beast directly stuffed the small medicine bottle into Zhuo Yifan's hand again, the meaning was already obvious.

Zhuo Yifan believed that this little guy would not harm him, so he didn't care what was in the medicine bottle at the moment, he poured out a brown pill after opening it, and swallowed it whole.

After the pill entered his abdomen, Zhuo Yifan immediately felt a warm air rising from his dantian.Together with his fire spirit zhenqi, he also became extremely active.

The changes in his body made Zhuo Yifan ecstatic.He quickly closed his eyes, and began to activate Huo Lingzhen Qi to cooperate with the exercises of "Derived Jue" to quickly repair himself!

Half an hour later, Zhuo Yifan slowly opened his eyes.The uncomfortable feeling all over the body has disappeared without a trace.Only at this time did he realize that the aura here is very full, which is ten times higher than that in the outside world.Otherwise, it would be impossible for me to be as good as ever within half an hour.

"What exactly is this place? Why is there such a strong aura?" Zhuo Yifan frowned in surprise, but no one could answer his question.After all, dragon blood beasts can't speak.

"Do you know what happened to the others?" Zhuo Yifan hugged the dragon blood beast on the ground at this time, and asked softly.

The dragon blood beast shook its head, indicating that it did not know.

Zhuo Yifan was helpless now.It seems that I and Xie Dongting and the others are completely separated.I don't know where it is, how can I find them?

"Do you know how to get out from here?" Zhuo Yifan looked at the white and hazy surroundings, and asked the dragon blood beast again.

The dragon blood beast shook its head again, showing a helpless anthropomorphic expression.

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