super unscrupulous student

5480 - Little Spirit Barrier 3

"Not bad! However, he might not be able to find a suitable physical body for a while. Even if he finds it, there will be a long period of running-in, and it will be a very long process to restore his original cultivation base. So in a short time Now, he no longer poses any threat to you or even your planet!" Ying Long explained disapprovingly.

"So that's the case. The junior thanked the senior here first!" Zhuo Yifan nodded gratefully.

"I heard you say that the elders of your family let you enter this snow cave to let you find treasures and practice yourself?" Ying Long asked at this time.

"Not bad!" Zhuo Yifan nodded and admitted.

"I do know where there are spirit weapons in this snow cave. If you need them, I can find some for you." Ying Long said generously.

"Thank you senior. There is no rush. Before I came here, I was separated from my companions. They were attacked by a pack of wolves, and I was also injured by a werewolf. Do you know if they are still alive now? What? If they are still alive, where are they?" Zhuo Yifan asked with some concern.

"Wait, I'll help you find it!" Ying Long agreed, and then remained silent for a few seconds.

"I found it. Is there a phoenix and a woman among the group of people you met?" Ying Long asked lightly.

"Yes!" Zhuo Yifan nodded quickly.

"They are unharmed for the time being. But many people were injured. And I also found some corpses nearby. Some of them should have been killed!" Ying Long explained lightly.

When Zhuo Yifan heard the words, his heart immediately hung up.Did someone die?Who is dead?

"Then where are they? Can you take me to find them?" Zhuo Yifan asked bluntly.

"Of course no problem! I'll take you there now!" Ying Long agreed, and then Zhuo Yifan felt his body lighten, and he seemed to float up.After a flash in front of my eyes, the scene around me changed instantly.

"Where is this?" Zhuo Yifan looked around again and found that he was already at the top of a rocky mountain.

"This is the second floor of this snow cave. You fell through those cracks before. You were lucky and fell into the little spirit barrier. But other people are not as lucky as you." Ying Long looked up at the In the dark sky, he said calmly.

It turned out that everyone fell out of the crack!

"What about them?" Zhuo Yifan asked excitedly.

"Look over there!" Ying Long signaled Zhuo Yifan to look down the mountain.

Zhuo Yifan looked at the foot of the mountain and found some figures shaking in the canyon below the foot of the mountain.

Zhuo Yifan breathed a sigh of relief after finally confirming his position, turned to Ying Long and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help, senior."

"You should be relieved now? But I don't want other people to see me. So don't rush to meet them. I will take you to find two spiritual artifacts that will allow you to complete the task of this trial !” Ying Long ordered lightly.

"Follow senior's orders!" Zhuo Yifan naturally would not refuse.If you evade again, wouldn't you be ignorant of good and evil?

Immediately afterwards, the scene changed again. When Zhuo Yifan realized it, he found that he was actually back in front of the hexagram in the sleepy spirit formation.

"This is... Sleepy Spirit Formation?" Zhuo Yifan's eyes widened in surprise.Unexpectedly, Ying Long actually brought him here.

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