super unscrupulous student

5495 - Red Beetle 5

Should this guy abandon his master and survive alone?Zhuo Yifan's heart twitched for a moment, and he felt several red beetles crawling up his legs from his feet.

Just when Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting thought that they were about to become a delicious meal for these worms, the mountain suddenly shook. Compared with the time when they encountered wolves before, the feeling of bumps was even worse.

Fortunately, the ground didn't crack, otherwise the two people didn't know which abyss they would fall into.

Just when Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting were surprised by the sudden tremor, they saw the red beetles around them receding towards the back one after another. Those thousands of insects actually moved within a few moments of breathing. , They all disappeared in the sight of the two of them.

But the violent tremors of the earth did not disappear, on the contrary, they tended to become stronger and stronger.Before Zhuo Yifan and Xie Dongting understood what was going on, they felt a cracking sound from the big stone wall behind them, and they couldn't help but follow the prestige.

I saw countless cracks appearing on the smooth stone wall, and a lot of stones were peeled off from it, and fell straight down.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the two quickly backed away by more than ten meters, but fortunately they were not caught by the falling stones.

"That little guy is still up there!" At this moment, Zhuo Yifan suddenly remembered that the Dragon Blood Beast had already climbed onto the stone wall, and his expression changed.

Xie Dongting followed closely and looked up the stone wall.I saw that the dragon blood beast was standing on a raised stone with all fours, constantly digging something into a collapsed pit.

"I'll bring it back!" Zhuo Yifan was just about to go forward to bring the Dragon Blood Beast back when he heard a loud noise, as if the sound of an explosion came from the stone wall.Immediately afterwards, before the two could react, the entire stone wall collapsed, revealing a hole inside.The road of emotion is cut off by this stone wall.

With the collapse of the stone wall, the dragon blood beast also fell to the ground from above, and returned to Zhuo Yifan after a few sprints.

Only then did Zhuo Yifan realize that this little guy really found a way out!It seems that I blamed it by mistake!

"Did you feel it? There is a strong aura fluctuation in the passage behind the stone wall!" Xie Dongting's face changed at this time, and he reminded Zhuo Yifan who was beside him.

Zhuo Yifan was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately noticed the unusual situation in the cave, and couldn't help frowning.

"You said... Could it be the discovery of a spiritual weapon?" Zhuo Yifan asked tentatively.With such strong aura fluctuations, the possibility of finding a spirit weapon is very high!Those bugs also probably knew that after the stone wall collapsed, a spiritual weapon would appear.And the strong aura fluctuation of the spirit weapon itself is probably the reason why these bugs are afraid!

Zhuo Yifan's words made Xie Dongting's eyes light up.Originally, he looked worried, but suddenly became excited.If it is really a spiritual artifact, and they found it, then everything that has gone through before is worth it!

Before the two could react, the dragon blood beast suddenly jumped up, took the dragon scale from Zhuo Yifan's hand in its mouth again, and rushed in behind the collapsed stone wall.

"Go up and have a look!" Zhuo Yifan's complexion changed slightly, he reminded Xie Dongting, and ran after the dragon blood beast to the space behind the stone wall.

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