super unscrupulous student

Treasure hunt again 5506

"Yeah, I still have to take care of what should be taken care of. But you also know that after advancing to the god of transformation, you are restricted by the contract, and you are not so free to do what you want. You can't take the initiative to attack the monks who have transformed into a god, even if I have the transformation The strength of Shenqi is not of much use." Zhuo Yifan nodded with a wry smile, his tone full of helplessness.

"At least no one dares to think of you again!" Xie Dongting reminded disapprovingly.

This is also true.In Huaxia, apart from a handful of masters of the transformation stage and the masters of the tribulation stage, who can still fight against him?Thinking about it, this is the only benefit, no need to worry about being killed by someone!

"However, my golden elixir has just condensed, and it will take three days to consolidate, so I have to settle down for three days. I'm afraid I can only wrong you for staying here for the time being." Zhuo Yifan changed the subject at this time said.

"Three days? Then we can wait for you to consolidate your cultivation before going out to practice. Anyway, after three days, we still have two days!" Duan Jingxiu was easy to talk, and nodded directly.

"Well, you have nothing to worry about. In these three days, you can consolidate your cultivation with peace of mind. We just take advantage of this time to take a good rest." Xie Dongting also nodded and said.

"Then I'll wrong everyone first!" Zhuo Yifan nodded, then closed his eyes and continued to practice.

What he said about consolidating his cultivation was actually just familiarizing himself with and controlling the golden core in his dantian.Just like Jin Dan's sudden outburst because of his instability of mind just now, it was because he couldn't control it well.If you can't control this golden elixir, then rushing to try it again will only increase the risk. Zhuo Yifan can't even guess what will happen then!So he would not take such a risk.

Just when Zhuo Yifan was thinking about how to control the golden elixir, the Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique that Ying Long gave him a response before suddenly flashed in his mind.It seems that there is a reference to how to consolidate the cultivation base.So Zhuo Yifan began to study the miraculous exercise in his heart.

It has to be said that the technique of this Dharma Body Dual Cultivation Technique is really exquisite.Just the few words at the beginning made Zhuo Yifan contemplate for several hours, and only then did he get a glimpse of the doorway.However, this little harvest has benefited him a lot.This made him sigh in his heart, his luck is really so good, he actually got such a miraculous exercise for himself.

But this essential exercise is very difficult to practice.After all, the aura around here is limited, so the progress is naturally very slow.When Zhuo Yifan was thinking about how to solve this problem, he suddenly remembered the fairy stones he got before.Sweeping the divine stone into the storage ring, a small piece of divine stone appeared in his palm.Of course, he squeezed the fairy stone in his fist, and this small action did not attract the attention of the people around him.

After getting the fairy stone, Zhuo Yifan felt an extremely pure aura, no, it should be said that it was the celestial energy emanating from it.The purity of that immortal energy is definitely several times that of the spiritual energy on this earth.In desperation, Zhuo Yifan could only arrange a small barrier around his body to prevent the leakage of immortal energy from being noticed by everyone around him.

It's not that Zhuo Yifan is narrow-minded, but that he can only keep things like fairy stones for himself.Once the news leaks, what will happen, he can't predict.After all, this is a sharp weapon that can allow him to advance to the peak of the late stage of God Transformation in a short period of time!If other people find out, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no envious people who will make trouble for it.So Zhuo Yifan wanted to kill all these possibilities in the cradle.

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