super unscrupulous student

Treasure hunt again 5509

Right in the middle of this completely enclosed canyon, the three of them saw a building with a wooden structure.It looks like a palace complex, magnificent.The total number of buildings will not exceed ten individual buildings, but in terms of momentum, it even surpasses the momentum of the imperial palace compound in the capital, as if it has a feeling of a heavenly palace.If it is surrounded by white clouds and blue sky, the picture will look like a palace in the sky.

The tall palaces in front of them made the three of them stare straight into the eyes.No one would have thought that there would be such a magical existence in this snow cave.

None of these palaces had names.The plaque hanging on the petition is still blank.This also made the hearts of the three people change from shock to doubt.What exactly were these palaces for?Is anyone here?Why did the dragon blood beast bring them to this place?

Just when the three of Zhuo Yifan were in doubt, the dragon blood beast didn't care about the reaction of these three people, and ran directly towards the central hall.

Zhuo Yifan was startled when he saw this, but had no choice but to follow quickly.

A group of people were led by the dragon blood beast, and soon came to the main hall.

Taking a closer look, the hall looks even taller and grander.Compared with those palaces in the imperial palace, it is more than twice as high.Each beam and column is two or three meters thick, and the doors and windows are several times the size of ordinary doors and windows.It seems that this palace is more like a residence for giants.

After the dragon blood beast reached the gate of the palace, it stopped immediately.It didn't rush around rashly anymore, but looked around, as if it was looking for something.

Zhuo Yifan and the others also took advantage of this time to look carefully at the palace.Although the palace is extremely tall, the details are meticulous.And the spotless appearance seemed to be shining with a dark red gleam, as if someone was wiping and cleaning here every day.

Looking at everything in front of them, the three of them were both shocked and helpless.Unfortunately, they didn't dare to act rashly at all.Who knows what mechanisms and terrifying secrets are here?Everything depends on the little guy of the dragon blood beast.Just wondering what this little guy will do next?

So the eyes of the three people were all set on the dragon blood beast again.

I saw that the dragon blood beast didn't pay attention to them at all, and it didn't mean to point out the country. Instead, it focused on looking at the row of palace lanterns on the corridor in front of the palace.The huge lampposts seemed to be more than half a meter long and three meters high, and they were neatly arranged in front of the palace, with a total of eight.

"It seems to be very interested in those lampposts." Duan Jingxiu reminded aloud at this time.

"Is there anything special about those lampposts?" Zhuo Yifan frowned, a little confused.Except that it is taller than normal lampposts, there is really nothing special about it!

"Maybe what it can see, we may not be able to see!" Xie Dongting reminded at this time.With previous experience, he felt that anything the Dragon Blood Beast did could not be aimless.

Just when the three were confused, the dragon blood beast suddenly moved.Before Zhuo Yifan and others could react, they saw that the dragon blood beast had already run between the two lampposts in the center, and then climbed up directly along the lamppost on the left.I saw its light figure, and it appeared on the lampshade in the blink of an eye.At this time, the flame inside the lampshade actually rose up.

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