"That's good. You go out first, I'll call you later." Duan Jingxiu nodded in satisfaction and ordered.

After Shui'er left the office, Duan Jingxiu sat at the desk and began to concentrate on looking at the pile of documents on the desktop, as if she had completely forgotten about Zhuo Yifan who was beside her.

Zhuo Yifan was a little dumbfounded, but he didn't bother.Because Duan Jingxiu's seriousness in doing things is completely different from the little girl she was before, and she has an inexplicable attraction.It is also a very enjoyable thing to be able to quietly watch the goddess-like lot Jingxiu handle her work.

"There is coffee and tea in the refrigerator, and there should be water in the water dispenser. I won't call you, pour it yourself!" Duan Jingxiu didn't seem to have completely forgotten Zhuo Yifan. He explained apologetically to Zhuo Yifan.

"It's okay, you are busy with your work. I can just take a break!" Zhuo Yifan agreed with a smile, sat on the sofa opposite the desk, and began to look around.

The layout of Duan Jingxiu's office is still very simple, with a slightly masculine atmosphere, which is completely different from the style that girls like.Of course, it also formed a sharp contrast with the arrangement in her boudoir.Zhuo Yifan personally thinks that this office is more in harmony with Duan Jingxiu's Queen's style.And her boudoir is more suitable for her little woman side.

Another ever-changing woman, why do all women seem to have multiple sides?Women, women, are really incomprehensible animals!Sighing in his heart, his eyes finally fell on Duan Jingxiu, who was working hard.Watching her silently like this, Zhuo Yifan had a feeling that the more he looked at her, the better he looked, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Women said that a man's tolerance is reflected in his ability to spend a lot of money for women; a man's ability is reflected in whether he has a house, a car and sufficient savings; a man's handsomeness is reflected in his serious work.What women want most is that a man is tolerant, capable, and handsome.This handsomeness is not only about appearance, but more importantly, temperament.And the point that embodies a man's temperament is precisely when they work hard.

For Zhuo Yifan, a woman should be like Duan Jingxiu, mature, capable, and temperamental, and at the same time not lacking in gentleness and the petty temper that a little woman would have.Mature and capable, this can be seen from Duan Jingxiu's professionalism.As soon as she returned to Kunming City, she was thinking about the work in the group, and she was able to deal with it in a timely manner. This is the best manifestation.In terms of temperament, it happens to be the same as that of men.When she was working seriously, the temperament she showed was unparalleled, like a pure angel, so Zhuo Yifan didn't dare to make any noise to disturb her.As if interrupting her work was no different from blasphemy.He already has a deep understanding of gentleness and the attitude of his little daughter, and only he has the honor to experience it!

So now Zhuo Yifan is extremely satisfied with Duan Jingxiu.He was also thankful that he made a correct decision, that is to include Duan Jingxiu in the harem.This woman will definitely become his good wife in the future.Although I have enough virtuous housemates, the values ​​they embody are not the same.Who allows himself to have a huge industry now, and it will be even bigger in the future?

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